Chapter Seven: Money over Everything

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Scott and the others make it to La iglesia without any problems by sun down. Scott sighs and gets out off the car after telling the others to stay there for a second. He walks over to Braeden who is standing on a sand hill looking at the abandoned church.

"We made it" Scott chirps with a smirk. And Braeden scoffs.

"Which Is weird.. I never made it this far.. I always ran into problems.." She states and crosses her arms. Her eyes never leaving the church. Scott sighs.

"What kind of problems?" Scott pushes causing Braeden to tense which he senses.

"Berserkers." She says flatly. Her eyes slowly travel to Scott. Scott furrows his brows in wonder but before he can answer Braeden cuts him off.

"Don't ask.. It'll only confuse you more.. Now let's go get your friend." Braeden says but Scott can tell she's in it for way more then just that. He shakes his head and climbs on the back of Braedens bike. She rides down the trail. The pack slowly behind. They get to the church and Scott feels a bad vibe coming from all angles. He slowly gets off the bike and looks at the rest of the pack who is slowly climbing out of the car.

"Nina. Isaac. Stay out here. Braeden and I will head inside to look" Scott states and Braeden nods as well as the others. Braeden and Scott head inside and only a few minutes in Scott stops dead in his tracks.

"Wait.. Wait.." He says softly. Braeden turns and flashes the flashlight on him.

"Wait for what?" She asks. Scott licks his lips and looks around.

"I think.. I think someone is in here with us.." He says above a whisper. Braeden gulps and as if on cue they hear a loud animalistic growl.

"Scott.. Stay behind me" she states and steps in front of Scott with her gun out. Scott rolls his eyes and steps back in front of her. He hears the growl again and he opens his mouth and let's out a loud roar. Something he didn't even know he had in him. His breathing heavy he looks back at Braeden after being sure the thing is gone first and he smirks.

"I think I scared it." He states with a smirk. She blinks and scrunches her face.

"I think you scared everything!" She hisses and Scott just chuckles. As they start on their walk again he looks over at Braeden.

"So do you kill every creature for money? Every job you're assigned to?" Scott asks. Braeden nods and looks Scott up and down.

"If the money was good. I'd kill you." She states. That's a good enough answer for him. He shakes his head and they get to a door that has a jaguar on it. They share a look and Scott opens it. They walk inside slowly looking around as best as they can with the flashlight.

"I smell him.. He's here... Somewhere.." Scott says and uses his wolf eyes to scan the room to see things that most humans can't. Finally he catches a round man hole covered by a plaque of stoned Jaguars. He points. "There.. He's in there.." He states and Braeden nods. They walk over to it and Scott sighs. Braeden looks at it and there's a place for claws. That's how you open it. She looks at Scott

"Use your claws.. " she says slowly. He nods and obeys. He hooks his claws in the holes and turns to the left and slowly but surely the hole opens revealing..

"Oh my god.." Scott breathes out in disbelief as he looks in the hole. Braeden tilts her head and looks at Scott.

"That's him?!" Braeden hisses. Scott gulps and licks his lips.

"Uh.. Sort of..."

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