Chapter 13: Mercenary and Trust

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"I don't see why you had to hire Braeden.. Scott doesn't like her.. He doesn't trust her. And that's saying something because Scott always trusts everyone.. He has a way of seeing the good in people.. And if he doesn't see the good in her then we shouldn't either..." Stiles states while scrubbing the high chair from when DJ made a mess earlier. Derek sighs and he runs his hands through his raven hair and he shakes his head.
"Stiles.. You feel threatened by her.. Why?" Derek states narrowing his eyes on his mate. He knows the answer to his question already, but he wants to hear Stiles say it.

Stiles scoffs and rolls his eyes, he looks at Derek with an annoyed look and he sighs.
"I see the way you two look at each other.. So yes, Derek I feel threatened. Do you see me going around making moon eyes at other people? No. Because I'm faithful to you.. Unfortunately I have always been faithful to you. And that has done me a lot of good hasn't it?" Stiles mutters sarcastically causing Derek to frown.
"And what exactly does that mean?" Derek asks crossing his arms over his chest.
"And just because I think someone is attractive doesn't mean I'm going to act on it." Derek adds on. Stiles sighs.

"Yeah. We'll see." Stiles murmurs walking back over to the sink to rinse the sponge he was using to wipe down the high chair. Derek walks up behind Stiles and snakes his arms around his waist sticking his nose in his mates neck breathing in his scent.
"I promise, Stiles.. Nothing is happening between Braeden and I.. And nothing will.. I won't hurt you again." Derek whispers in His mates ear before nibbling on his ear lobe causing Stiles to chuckle. Stiles sighs and nods his head at Derek.
"Okay.. I believe you.." Stiles states causing Derek to grin.
"I love you" Derek murmurs. Stiles smiles.
"And I love you. Now let's go get our pups ready for bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Talia is turning 7.. Man how time flies." Stiles murmurs and Derek nods.

"Damn.. 7 already.. I'm old.." Derek mutters scowling causing Stiles to laugh loudly.

"Yeah okay, big guy. If you're old then I'm the pope. You look younger than me considering werewolves age well. " Stiles states licking his lips as he laces their fingers together. Derek grins deviously and brings Stiles' hand to his lips kissing his mates hand sweetly. Stiles smiles and starts walking out of the kitchen bringing his mate with him. He doesn't like the idea of Braeden. But he has to trust Derek. He just has to. There's been too much bad blood between them. He has to trust him for his children's sake. For his own sake. He can't take another heart break from Derek and he hopes Derek knows that. He hopes Derek won't cheat. And as much as he wants to trust his wolf. There's always a doubt in his mind. But, time will tell. It always does.

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