14: It's like that the birthday wrath

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"It's my night.. No stress, no fight's.. Yeah yeah.. No tears, no time to cry juss making most of my life.. Like that y'all!" Thalia sings around the House causing Derek to drop his book and look at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Where on earth did you hear that song?" Derek asks his daughter. She grins and holds up the new music player that he recognizes as an iPod shuffle and she shakes it around.

"Erica and Nina got it for me last night for my birthday. They put only Mariah Carey on it! And I like this song!" Thalia squeals running to Derek to lean on his lap. Derek shakes his head and he rubs the back of his neck.

"Well that's nice of them sweetheart" Derek murmurs. His tone must have been off because Thalia frowns.

"You're mad daddy.." Thalia accuses her eyebrows knitting together causing Derek to smirk, because in this moment he can see why everyone calls them twins. Before Derek has a chance to answer his Daughter his mate walks out of their room holding a fussing DJ. Stiles smiles and Thalia waves happily at her 'mama'

"Good morning.. And happy birthday, my princess" Stiles mutters walking past them stroking Thalias curls before heading into the kitchen to make DJ a bottle filled with formula and baby cereal.

"Lia.. What do you want for breakfast? You can have anything you want." Stiles calls to his daughter. He hears Thalia Cheer and Derek snort in amusement. Seconds later the two are walking in the kitchen.

"Banana pancakes please!" Thalia states smiling. Derek makes a face and Stiles smirks.

"Banana pancakes for princess. Chocolate chip pancakes for Daddy." Stiles states and at the mention of chocolate chip pancakes Thalia makes The same face Derek did, causing Derek to smirk and Stiles to chuckle and gaze at the two in admiration. Stiles hands The baby to Derek so he can start breakfast. Derek smiles down at his son who has the same doe eyes as Stiles and he kisses his head before turning his gaze to Stiles who is grabbing all of the ingredients and pans and bowls. Derek smiles he loved watching his mate work around the Kitchen.

"So did you know about Erica and Nina getting Lia an iPod for music" Derek asks and Stiles shakes his head.

"No I didn't.. But I Mean it's not really a big deal is it?" Stiles asks as he pours the pancake mix in a bowl. Derek sighs and shakes his head.

"No. But they could have told us.. She's singing Mariah.." Derek adds on Causing Stiles to laugh.

"Derek.. It's Mariah Carey.. It's not like she's listening to Trina.." Stiles points out causing Derek to raise a brow.

"Who's Trina?" Derek asks. Stiles sighs and shakes his head.

"I'll tell you later.. For now, let's just enjoy breakfast and then get ourselves ready for Thalias special day" stiles states smiling down at Hus daughter earning rapid nods from her. Derek nods in agreement and Stiles smiles.

"Great. Nothing is going to ruin this day for her.. And I mean absolutely nothing." Stiles mutters to himself as he continues to prepare breakfast. At least he hopes not anyway.

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