17: Birthday Palooza part 3

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Derek had whipped his head to the side, looking where Ericas Gaze was stuck, and he gaped at the sight, caught off guard at what he's seeing, But he quickly regained his posture and glared at the sight. His uncle was alive. This is impossible!

He knew it, in the sense of all the things had went through; Turning into a child, hearing whispers and laughter from him around, just thinking it was hallucinations, but it clearly wasn't. he had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen and here the bad thing is, his uncle Peter. The monster he thought he was rid of a long time ago, standing before him with the same devilish smirk he has always had.

"I heard there was a party, so I invited myself." Peter said, with a devious smirk plastered on his face causing Derek and Erica both to snarl in disgust.

Stiles looked at Peter too. Just when he thought everything in his life was going good, something or someone always has to ruin it. can't one good thing stay stable in his life? Why won't the universe Let him be happy. He's really starting to wonder if that's too much to ask the stupid universe.

Derek balls his fist, He is burning inside with fury; His blood is boiling so much a vein slowly pops out of his forehead. Seeing his uncle alive just makes him want to kill him without hesitation, and make sure that he doesn't come back to life this time by burying pieces of him around the world. But he doesn't, he doesn't because its his daughters birthday, and he doesn't want to make it any worse by giving her a blood bath as a present. He decides to instead, walk up to his uncle, ignoring the crowd of peoples staring that was in his backyard. There wasn't many, but there was a couple, but that definitely doesn't stop him for confronting his psychotic uncle.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Derek grits out, with a low, hoarse voice, desperately holding back his fits of fury.

"Well, I came for cake, which by the way, looks delicious," Peter replied, widening his smirk, like the devil he is, glancing down at Thalia who runs inside the house, causing Stiles to look after her, starting to follow but Nina beating him to it.

Peter chuckles at the sight, but quickly goes back to his mischief when the blonde she-wolf goes to stand directly by Derek, along with Scott. Peter smirks at the tan skinned, crooked Jaw boy and licks his lips. "You're still around?," Peter asks directly at Scott. And Scott tilts his head growling.

Derek grabs Peter around the forearm tightly, then he turns around and forcefully pulls Peter into the house.

Stiles shakes his head and runs up to Derek before he can actually go inside and shakes his head, his eyes pleading for his mate to explain because he has no clue at what is going on. Its just all happening so fast. Derek sighs and strokes his mates cheek.

"Stiles, just stay here with the guests.. I'm just going to take Peter in the basement," Derek says quietly, but his voice is stern, letting Stiles know that he's going to obviously be doing more than just talking to his uncle. Stiles nods his head and watches his mate stalk away to the basement before heading inside to comfort his daughter, Isaac Nodding at him signaling he'll take care of the guests outside.


Derek, Erica and Scott were standing in front of Peter in the basement. All four of them just glaring at each other. Peter whi doesn't look phased at all, is having a look of amusement on His face towards Derek and his betas whi are glaring at him, the glare doesnt scare Peter, he's not affected by it at all, he honestly thinks it's cute.

"Isaac is clearing the party," Erica said, after she glances at her phone reading a text message from her girlfriend.

"Can you tell Nina to keep Stiles and the children back upstairs?" Derek asks his beta and Erica quckly nods her head before sending a quick text to her girlfriend.

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