16: Birthday Palooza (part 2)

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The grill is blazing. The music is blasting, and everyone is having a great time. Especially all of the kids who are running around the yard with silly string and water guns. The weather is warm so water guns still are a must in Stiles' book.

Stiles leans his head on Derek's shoulder and Derek kisses the top of his head, Stiles sighs. "I wish my dad was still alive..." Stiles says in a whisper causing Derek to swallow roughly.

"I know babe.. I wish he was here with us as well. I wish my family was with us also.. But, we're surrounded by people who love us, and who loves our children. " Derek points out causing Stiles to nod. Stiles sighs and he walks back into the house to get a few things, Thalia hot on his trail.


"Stiles! Erica and Nina are here! They brought a lot of food and presents!" Derek calls to his mate as he flips the burgers on the grill. Erica smiles at him as she sets the food on the table. Nina does the same as she sets the bags full of presents on the present table and the large crock pot full of dip on the food table.

"How many people are supposed to be coming? It looks like half the neighborhood is here." Erica mused. Nina nodded and chuckled slightly as she watches two kids run around the hard chasing each other with Nerf guns. Erica shakes her head once she catches sight of the two boys.

"Boy, Stiles sure knows how to throw a party." Nina deadpans and Derek scoffs.

"You really have no idea. Stiles throws the best parties. Next to Lydia Martin of course." Erica purrs and Nina just nods her head.

"Where is miss Talia anyway?" Nina asks and Derek flicks his head around the yard trying to scope out his daughter.

"I'm not sure. Probably inside with Stiles, helping him with whatever he is doing. " Derek states shrugging. Nina nods and heads inside to look for Stiles and Talia just as the two are coming out. Nina smiles and Talia squeals in excitement to see Nina. She jumps in Nina's arms and nuzzles her neck.

"Aunt Nia!" Talia squeals wrapping her arms around Nina's neck. Nina smiles and Erica walks over to the two kissing Talia on top of the head.

"I'm glad you two made it when you did. She kept asking about you. Thank you for her iPod by the way" Stiles states chuckling whilst Derek makes a grunt of disapproval.

"She won't stop playing 'like that' by Marian Carey" Derek states scowling, causing Erica to smirk.

"Lighten up, DerBear. Mariah is good for the soul." She purrs winking at the Alpha.

"Says you." Derek spats, a playful grin playing at his lips. Just as Erica is about to make another remark, she growls lowly, her eyes flashing gold.

"You!" She snarls. Derek looks in her direction and he growls lowly in his throat.

"I heard there was a party.. Don't worry, I invited myself."

(A/N) Hey guys. So sorry its been a while. But here's the update. This story, along with teach my how to love again will be on a shirt Hiatus. While I work on other things. Its time to branch out. I will also be editing the cover so it matches the series. I'm sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but it will leave you wanting more. Remember I love you all, and thanks for being so patient with me. Xoxo.

P.s if you guys like the ship Peter Hale and Isaac Lahey, check out my one shot edition for the ship.

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