Chapter One - We'll see

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-A few hours later)

Derek gets out of the shower and runs his hands through his wet hair. he wraps the towel around his waist then wipes the fog off of the mirror. he stares at his reflection and tilts his head slightly. He doesn't understand why or How Erica is back, And he doesn't know or even want to know Nina. He has this feeling in the pit of his stomach that she is going to be a problem. He has a problem with trusting new people, But he has good reason for that. He opens the bathroom door and sighs in approval as the cool air hit his Steamy body. he walks to his bedroom and is greeted with a warm smile from his mate.

"How was your shower?" Stiles asks sweetly as he sways Dj. Derek smirks and nods.

"It was good.. Would have been better if you were in there with me" Derek murmurs softly with a wink. Stiles' eyes go wide In excitement yet shock and he covers Dj's ears.

"Derek! not infront of the baby!" Stiles squeaks. Derek chuckles.

"He's a day old.. Trust me, Stiles.. He doesn'tunderstand what we're saying yet.. Where'd Thing one and two go?" Derek asks Stiles as he looks out into the living room looking for Erica and Nina. Stiles sighs and lays Dj in his bassinet.

"To get food.. Why don't you like them?.." Stiles asks softly. Derek looks at Stiles and he clenches his jaw lightly.

"It's not that I don't like them.. I'm being cautious.. Erica was Dead Stiles.. I burried her body.. remember that?.. She still hasn't told us anything.. And then this Nina character.. I get a very bad vibe about her, and I'm not giving her a friendly welcome until I know What she's about.. As much as we've been through.. you shouldn't be open to them like you are.." Derek barks out. Stiles sighs and looks down. He knows what Derek is saying is the truth, He just can't help it. Erica was his bestfriend. Next to Scott. he doesn't want to believe that she would do anything to put them in danger. he looks up At Derek who's still looking at him.with a raised eyebrow. Stiles nods.

"I understand, Derek.. I just don't think Erica would put us in danger.." Stiles murmurs softly. Derek let's a low grumble form and he sighs.

"Just be careful.. Be cautious.. That's all I'm saying.. Okay babe?" Derek asked as he sat on the bed, Stiles nods and he laces their fingers. Derek smiles and leans in and places a chaste kiss on Stiles' lips. He pulls away and strokes his cheek.

"I love you, Stiles.." Derek says with a lick of his lips. Stiles smiles.

"And I love you, Derek.. Always.."


Erica gets back and smiles at Stiles as he's the only one in the living room as she walks in.

"Hey, batman" Erica says softly. Stiles smiles at her as he's burping Dj.

"Hey.. how was lunch?" He asks with a wink. Erica chuckles and sits next to him.

"It was good.. She took me to red lobster.. then we went to the mall and browsed around a bit" She murmured. She watches as Stiles hums and sways his son. She's so sad that she's missed so much. That in a blink of an eye everything was ripped away from her. she looks down and sighs.

"Derek hates me huh?.." She asks sadly. Stiles sighs and lays the baby down inbetween them. He grabs her hands and looks into her eyes. he smiles small.

"You know Derek.. He doesn't hate you.. He loves you.. He's just being cautious.. You can understand that.. While you were.. away.. Alot has happened.. So he has his guards up.. but once he sees you arent evil.. he'll come around.. okay?" Stiles states reassuring. Erica nods and gives Stiles a warm Smile.

"Okay .. I believe you.." She trails off and looks at Dj. She rubs her lips together.

"C-Can I hold him?.." Erica asks nervously. Stiles chuckles and nods

"Of course.. Here.." He picks the infant up and Hands him to Erica. Tears are already pricking the corners of her eyes. She holds the baby close to her chest.

"Oh my god.. Stiles.. He's so little.. and so adorable..." She cooes and kisses the babys forehead. Stiles smiles and just watches the two. He's happy she's home, he's happy she can finally be apart of his children's life. But Dereks words are getting to him. Can he trust her? can he trust Nina? We'll see, is the only thing that comes to mind. Time will tell. it always does.

*Alright my babies. here's the update. I know it's been forever. but I've been crazy busy. But you all know What to do. comment and vote. xoxox. and if you need to reach me at anytime. please kik me @ Sundinaa . Thanks. I love you all! *

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