The Beginning Chapter 2

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      It was a hot spring morning, I was dreaming about my big brother and me running around in the woods. But then all of a sudden. My alarm went off it startled me, I didn't want to wake up. I rolled over on my one side and pulled my blankets over my head. My dad knocked on my door then walked in. My dad said: "Lizzy it's time to get up and head to school." I looked at my dad and said "I know dad I just don't want to get up, I really just want to sleep."My dad said, "Get dressed and ready for school I have breakfast made downstairs, "My dad walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. I got up and when I put my feet on the floor it was cold, I guess the heater broke again. I walked over to my dresser put on a pair of baggy jeans, and a baggy shirt. I brushed my hair and teeth, when I was done I walked down the stairs and saw my dad "Breakfast is on the table I made eggs, when you are done eating go get your school stuff ready and go, "dad says. I say to my dad plightly "Thanks dad love you, you literally are the best."I head to the table and eat my food when I am done I grabbed my backpack a ran out the door.

       I grabbed my bike and rode down the road, I saw this weird bunny guy he watched me ride down the road. He was pretty creepy I mean who wears a bunny mask in the middle of spring. He didn't give me a good feeling at all.

         When I arrived at school I stared at it with a low disappointed sigh. Once I was in the school building I was trying to speed-walk to my locker but it was a challenge. Once I was at my locker, I felt cool again and old-fashioned. The locker is an old 80's yellow locker. My mom and dad told me about what their HighSchool life was like when I was younger.  Mom placed me on a green and dark blue striped chair and said, "The year me and your father meet was in HighSchool in 1985. We ran into each other by these old-looking yellow lockers, "My dad said with a bubbly happy face, "I was the one who made the first move," Mom turned around and said, "No you didn't, you were always to shy to make the first move or even talk to me. But now that you are a grown man your a handsome brave man." My dad puffed out his chest and made a fist with both hands and put them on his hips, and then winked at my mother. They wear really obvious when flirting.

    I got out of that memory and grabbed my notebooks and reading books. I walked down the long hallway. It was grungy as always. There wear always tons of kids packed together. It is like football in a way, you would have to push and shove to try to get around. There are so many kids, there's more than the school can hold. While I was trying to get around everyone, my best friend Gean yelled my name across the room I stopped and turned around, and stared at him. Once he got up to me He said "Lizzy wear have you been?" "Well I have been busy with school work, "I said. I love to look at his golden-colored eyes, his smooth shiny brown hair. I get butterflies every time I am around him. Gean said, "Oh well I can understand cuss we have our last exam for our school years. I heard this one is so big it will make you graduate school," I nod my head in agreement. "Anyways we have a break for a whole 3 months, it's cuss they have some construction to do on the school building. But I was wondering if you would want to come to this campsite with me and some of my friends," Geans says. I quickly say not noticing how obsessive I sounded," yah sure I will come just let me ask my dad I am sure he will let me come." Gean nods his head and says, " Alright I understand just let me know if you can come. And what time I would have to get you" I nod, but I have a rush of happiness, and then Gean said, "It would be this weekend, so if you do get to come you have six days to get prepared. I really hope you get to come." I said, "Alright that is just the right time to be able to get ready and ask my dad." I didn't realize it but I was blushing, I had a huge crush on Gean since we wear little kids. Gean was really my only friend in my life other than Becca, but she died cuss of cancer.

    I said to Gean "Come on let's head to class we are going to be late." I grab his hand and we run to class. His hand is soft like cotton candy. I didn't want to let go of his hand. But like my dad says, " The good times and things have to end at some point nothing stays or lasts forever." But we finally got to class just in time. I went to my desk in the very back, in the small corner with my favorite window. The desk is a light and dark brown color. Once I am seated with my notebook opened. I Turn my head for a second and there I see Gean staring at me. I look at him and when our eyes lock together I  turn my head quickly to the crazy old teacher. And when I mean crazy I mean crazy. She has gray hair that goes up so high she looks 8 feet tall. She wears a brown skirt, with a black belt, and the top is a long sleeve hot pink shirt. She had massive bobbies so her bobbies are showing. She always wears these hoop earrings. One of the students threw a spit paper ball at the teacher and she grabbed her ruler and walked over to the student's desk. Once she was there desk she smacked the ruler as hard as she could and yelled, "DETECTION AFTER SCHOOL!" Some students snickered and giggled, but they got the death eye stare from the teacher. I just went back to looking out the window, looking at the same weird old houses.

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