The clues Part 2 Chapter 19

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     I walk over to the fireplace, think to myself. I am going to need something to carrier all this stuff. Like a bag or something carrying a bloody knife and the picture and everything else. I am finally over by the fireplace, I look around there to see if there is anything suspicious there. I feel like I am meant to be hear like something is telling me to come here. I look through the cracks of the fireplace, once I looked through one of them I saw a piece of paper. I tried to pull it out but the crack was too small to get to. I grab the knife and use it to pull out the piece of paper, I did many attempts to get the paper. Once I finally got it I was quite proud of myself. I opened the piece of paper up and, it was just directions to a place. 90 degrees to the north then northwest, then lastly go north again

  I was just a bit confused on why I need to go to this place. I thought about it for a while but I didn't think of anything. What if it could lead me to the place I need to go to find a way to help save my friends. I just need a compass to follow the way I need to go. I grab everything on the ground that I found and use to protect myself. I am in such a hurry I forget to hold my one knife to protect myself. I run straight to my cabin and once I get inside I go to my bag  I bump everything out. I look through my stuff and see if I have a compass, while all of my stuff was out I decided to put all of my findings (clues) inside of that bag. I didn't find a compass at all, so I went to Gean's bag which was at the foot of the bed. I bump everything out and thank the heavens I found a compass. 

      I grab the compass holding it in my hands, I put the backpack over my shoulders. I put the piece of paper in my other hand, I looked over at Gean's stuff once again. I saw a pocket knife holder with the knife in it as well. I put the case on my jeans and I put the knife in the case and left it open in case I can quickly grab it. I grab the compass off of the bed and head out to go and find out where this takes me. I walk out the door then realizing it was starting to become later in the day. Almost sundown, so I thought to my self, " what if I grab a flashlight as well, I mean it could help me if I get in a dark place or if I end up being outside after dark. I head back inside just once more run to the kitchen counter and grab the flashlight that is on the window sill. I put it in my back pants pocket and then I head out the door. 

   I am a little scared, to be honest, this can either go really well or really bad. Let's hope it is the really good one, I am finally at the edge of the camp. Right in front of my face and feet are the woods that Shara got taken at. It is a cold breeze that blows right on my face making my hair blowback. I start to have flashbacks of what happened to Shara, me trying to warn and save her life. I remember hearing her scream in my head, I was ready to cry but I couldn't cry now. I have to save my tiers for the worst that could come. I step into the woods remembering that I have to save them all, I can't let the fear take control.

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