The Arm Chapter 17

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   I saw a knife, camera, and I saw a picture that had a splat of blood in the center. And on this picture was a cabin. It looked like it was from the 1800's cuss it was all back and white. There was a group of people there, standing in front of this cabin. It has the number 6784 our cabins didn't have that number. Mabey it was an old cabin that used to stand hear. There was a woman who looked like she was in her 20's and a man who looked like his 20's or 30's, then there was a newborn baby that was being held by a little boy, and next to that little boy to his left was an old lady in a wheelchair, looks like around her 80's. Then in the front sitting down there was a little girl in the center next to her on one side was a young handsome teenage man and next to him looks like a twin of him. On the other side of the young girl, was a toddler, and next to that toddler was a little kid, wearing a bunny mask. Wearing a suit with boots. The mask had a different color on one spot of this eye/face. I thought that was a little bit weird that the kid was wearing a bunny mask while everyone is showing their faces. Whatever it is probably nothing.

   I keep on looking in the little door. I couldn't see what I was grabbing cuss I was too big to fit under such a tiny place. I felt a weird object, I pulled it out. And when I pulled it out I was just disgusted, it was nasty rotten and gross. When I pulled it out, I saw that it was an arm that was not part of a body. It was bloody and rotten, there wear some holes in the arm that went through to where you could see the bone. I quickly threw it on the ground and back away with my feet pushing me back. My back was up against the kitchen cabinet. I was about ready to throw up, it stuck so bad. Why didn't it smell so bad when it was in that little door. I was just so grossed out I couldn't think straight and after that all happend.

 I ran out of Shy and Sharas cabin, I tripped on a rock and fell face first. I was so confused, on what I saw, what was going on, why this was going on, how am I going to save them all, what am I meant to do, who is behind this. I was crying I could bearly see anything from all the water in my eyes. I didn't know what to do. I was crying for around an hour, I just wanted everyone happy. I stood up straight and thought to myself I will do this for everyone I will save everyone no matter what!  

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