The Glass feet Chapter 30

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     Cincy knows where to go, she told us that she knows every place and person here. I believe she lived here for such a long time. That I believe she knows where to go when we are at a door that says exit she turns around and looks at all of us and says, " Before we go in I must warn you all. This is the only way out without getting caught, the ground is cover in shattered glass." Everyone including me doesn't like the sound of that. We all proceed and Cincy opens the door, all I see is broken bottle glass covering the floor. I say to everyone, " I will put Shy on my back cuss she is almost naked and blind. Gean put Jack on your back cuss he is carrying a baby." Gean is surprised and nods in agreement. I grab Shys hand letting her know that it is me, Lizzy. I put her on my back, and she lacks on putting her naked chest into my back. I ask Cincy, "what about you?" Cincy smirks and says, " I can climb, I sneck out all the time but it can only be my size." I nod and walk down the 3 small wooden stairs and stand there for a second taking in-breath or too.

    I put my first foot on the glass, I wanted to scream but I couldn't. It was like I was shaving my legs but not with a razer or my feet. I could feel the blood coming out of my feet, and feel the glass going in my feet. I can't wait to see my father, but then I remember that I have to kill him. I feel sad and dizzy cuss of all of the blood loss, and pain my body is going through. I keep on walking forward trying to pick up the speed, but it is really hard to when you feel an overwhelming pain. I stop walking for a second to look back to see to Gean and Jack are doing. I can tell Jack looks dead on the inside, I know what it is like. Then we are finally done walking through all of the glass. I set Shy down gently on the cement, so she doesn't get hurt. I sit down and so does Gean and we both are trying to get most of the big glass pieces out of our feet. But we can't do a lot of, cuss we don't have a lot of time on our hands. I pick Shy up and we all walk down what looks like is another long hallway.   

    We walk and walk, and once we wear halfway down the hallway. Cincy says, "You know Lizzy, do you know I am your sister?" I am shocked, then if I put all the puzzle species together it all makes sense. I understand now, I know how she is my sister. But we don't have time to talk about it all. In fact, the only thing we can really do is follow my sister now Cincy.

     We walk for what feels like hours me and Gean's feet are still bleeding we might need to get that checked when we get home. I walk over next to Gean and I say, "Hey Gean." Gean just turns his eyes towards me for a second and looks forward and then he says, " What's up Lizzy." I say in a sad but trying to stay positive tone, "Do you think I could stay with you until I get enfoe money to get my own home. When I get home I have to kill my dad, it's the only way. I had to make a deal to get you guys out of here and save us all." Gean looks quite a bit shocked, his eyes are wide open. But I think he understands, so he just nods and says, "Yes you can, but why would you sacrifice your family just to save us?" I look down at the ground for a second and then say while moving my head back up, "I love you all, you all have a family to have to go back to. Your family is good. I didn't want you all to lose that." Gean looks sad when I say this but he just nods and agrees and we just keep walking.

    Cincy yells, "There's that the door we use to escape this place it doesn't have a lock or anything." We all jog our way to the door, Cincy opens the door and runs out. The sunshine on our skin gave us hope pleaser, this means wear more than half way escaped. At this point, I know where to go. Everyone knows where to go, other than Shy she can't see anything. We all walk and it was the afternoon by the time we got back to the campsite. I am happy we are finally going home.

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