The Little Girl Chapter 20

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      While I walking in the woods I stopped just about around 20 mins to check my compass to make sure I was going the right way. I am not going to lie I keep on having flashbacks of Shara screaming for help. I couldn't do anything I was just useless, like my mother said a while ago in the past, " You can't always succeed in everything sometimes your just useless, so don't try to be the hero when you are the useless one." I am sorry mother I am going to be the hero even if I am the useless one. I had a tear fall down my cheek, I wipe it off and keep on moving forward. At this point, I am near the area that Shara got taken away at. I talk softly almost in a whisper saying, "I am sorry Shara I failed to be the one person to be a good friend and help you, I am sorry that I was so useless then, I promise you I will save you and everyone else." I walk further out, I check my compass and then I realized that it stopped working. I start to panic quite a bit, cuss I don't know my way back home to the camp. And it is too dangerous to sleep outside in the woods, I could be killed or kidnaped.

   I then hear this strange voice out of no were, it sounded like a little girl's voice. I couldn't tell where it was coming from. The voice is saying, " he heh overhear hehe, want to plaaay."  I was starting to get a chill down my spine, I looked around in circles. I couldn't see or find anything. Then out of nowhere a little girl comes falling from the tree above my head. Somehow she lands on both her feet perfectly fine. She is wearing such a pretty dress but it looks so old as well it a white dress with sowed black buttons near the neck. and at the bottom, it was waved and had little white flowers printed in the bottom just giving it that extra taste of perfectly perfect. There was quite a bit of patches of dirt here and there in the dress. She had such pretty blond hair, it was down long and thick. The size was almost at the end of where her spine would be. Her skin white as snow, lips a suck pretty light pink like the freshes peach there could ever be. She looked like she could be around 5 or 4 mabey 3? I felt like I was going to have a heart attack, she just came out of nowhere.

  The little girl just smerked and stood there. I asked the little girl, " are you okay you fell really high from the sky." The little girl just stood there silent I waited for around 10 mins just waiting for an answer. Then I asked, " What's your name?" Then the little girl then got out of a smirk and just smiled kindly it felt like a safe smile. Then she said, "My name is cincy I live out in these woods I know everything and see everything. I have seen you hear before but sad and scared." I was just shocked, if she knows everything and sees everything could that mean she knows to wear the paper is telling me to go. I then say, " Hi, I am Lizzy and I hopeing Mabey you can help me since you know everything and see everything and also how do you see everything?  Did you see the time where me and Gean came in the woods and made out and if you saw you know the rest?" The little girl nodded and smiled and then bid and bleh kind of sound.( it was cute) I was red and embresed and said please don't ever talk about that." Cincy then said, " Okie, also I should be able to help you. What do you need?" I said kindly, " I am trying to find this place, my compass stopped working and I was hoping you know where this piece of paper leads me to." I show Cincy the piece of paper then it looks like she knows just where I need to go. Cincy then says, " I know exactly wear that goes, but you have to let me stay with you during your journey, I never ever get to have fun and hear drama and talk to people." I nod in agreement. Then Cincy starts to walk in a different driacon than I was. I follow behind Cincy, I kinda feel stupid for having to ask for help gusse I am actually useless.

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