The Graves Chapter 6

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   Once I got up from my bed, my feet feeling the wooden ground. I slowly walked to my dresser and got dressed in my usual outfit a baggy shirt and baggy jeans. I brushed my hair and my teeth, I looked at myself in the mirror. I thought to myself, "I look terrible, " My skin was a little pale like, I had bags under my eyes. I didn't really care, I know I just have to suck it up. I made myself breakfast I cooked myself toast and put some butter on it. Once I finished eating, I grabbed my school stuff and walked out the door. I hopped on my bike and rode down the road. Not going to lie I didn't feel safe anymore riding my bike down the road.

  Once I got to school I somehow felt a little bit better, but it didn't last long. Right when I walked in the door, Billy was standing right there. I spoke to Billy in a pitchy annoying tone, "What do you want Billy." Billy isn't happy that I am giving him an attuied but he looks at me and says, "I hear you're coming to the camp tomorrow, want to share a tent." I know what he was planing so. I said to Billy, "Sorry Billy I don't want to share a tent with a no brain like you. And besides, I already have someone to share a tent with and that's Gean." Billy wasn't too happy about that and he just turned his back and left. I haven't really asked Gean if he wants to share a tent but I think it will be alright cuss wear dating.

   I just went ahead and went to my class, when I got there, Gean wasn't there. I stared out the window and looked at the old creepy houses. The crazy old teacher walked up to me smacking the ruler against my desk. I almost jumped I looked at her in her purple-colored eyes. I said "Yes, Mis.Campbell?" She said to me in an angry tone "I want you to answer all the questions today, next time PAY ATTENTION!" I work the whole school day, it was exhausting.

     While I was riding my bike home, I saw the graveyard where my mom and big brother are at. I decided to go visit them. I parked my bike on the side of the Cemetery And staring at the entrance, there was a golden gate and in the center, there was a bird shape and on the eye is a keyhole. The poles in the ground wear made of stone and had dark lanterns on them. I looked at the sign for the cemetery and it said "Google Peters Cemetery." Weird name to me.

   I walk into the cemetery, the path is a dirty golden grass color. I like the color quite a bit, but it doesn't match the cemetery at all. I walked and walked and then I finaly found my mom and big brother graves. What I saw shocked me, I couldn't believe someone would be so sick to do this. I almost burst out in tears. Someone dug up my mom and big brother's body from their grave. I fell on my knees, I grabbed my face bursting out in tears. I couldn't stand someone taking my big brother and mother's body from where they rest in peace. I was there crying for almost an hour. 

  Until a graveyard caretaker came over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he was an old man. That was wearing jean overalls with a wight shirt. He was missing his 3 top teeth. His bottom front tooth was gold. He said, "what happened honey, did you dig up these graves?"  I shook my head and said, "Someone dug up my mom's and brother's grave. He frowned and said, "Hear why don't you head home and I will call the police and file a report. I try to walk away calm it was hard to hold the tears back.

  I got on my bike and rode down the road again, I couldn't stop thinking about how someone could be so sick to steal dead bodies. I walked into my house I slam the door hard. I sat down on the ground in front of the door just crying. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't get it out. But then I hear someone whisper my name, "Lizzy~ Lizzy~ come hear baby girl~." I couldn't make up where the voice is coming from, or even whose voice it is. I stood up then started looking around the house to see who was in my house. "Lizzy~ Lizzy~ overhear baby girl~." I was at the staircase when I realize who's the voice was. I was shocked, pail, stone-cold, frozen in shock, heart rate picking up speed.

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