The Late Night-Hangout Chapter 4

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    I ran upstairs to get find my nicest outfit. I couldn't find a nice dress anywhere. I checked under my bed in the dryer in my dresser I couldn't find a nice one anywhere. I was starting to freak out I was running all over the house. I was ready to scream, but then I remember I had this dress I got not too long ago. I ran to the basement almost falling down the stairs, but thankfully I caught myself. I went to these boxes in the darkest corner of the basement. There wear shelves with boxes on the shelves. Creepy to me, I slowly walk to the shelves. I pull down one of the boxes then I open it up and I dig around. Some stuff is from when I was little and some I just never used. I found the dress I was looking for but it looked so old it was nasty. I thought to my self I cant wear this! I saw this outfit I made a while ago that was way too big on me back then. It had black jeans with holes in them and a black shirt with a leather jacket that was a dark purpler. With black gloves and purple mixed in. I looked at it and wanted to wear this so bad so I took it and grabbed one of my old church dresses to wear. I put the box back but when I put it back the shelves almost fell but it didn't fall.

    I ran back upstairs, ran to the bathroom. And I got myself dressed in my church dress it was black with some silver sparkles. It went perfectly with my dirty blond hair, my hair had black, light brown, dark blond Strikes in it. Me and my dad don't have the money to ever buy makeup so I just put my hair up in a ponytail then put on my black gym shoes. I was quite proud of my look, my dark green eyes stared in the mirror examing myself. I quickly checked the time and it was 6:35 I had just the right amount of time to get to the hill. I ran downstairs and went out the door, I got on my bike and rode down the road. That night was really creepy. 

    Something didn't feel right though I felt like someone was watching me. I looked behind me and I saw nothing, but when I looked in front of me again I saw the bunny guy again but now he was holding has a knife. I continued to pedal but the fear inside of me made me keep on moving.  when I was only 2 inches away from him then poof he was gone. I was white almost like a ghost. I thought it was my It was just my imagination, so I thought little of it and keep on riding my bike to the hill. (Little did I know I should have been more careful about that bunny guy.)  

  I finally got there just in time. I walked up the tall hill. Once I made it up the hill I saw Gean in a nice black shirt and light blue jeans. when we made eye contact I blushed a little bit. I walked up to him and said "Wow you really outdid yourself." I looked around there are fairly lights all around in the trees. There is a table in the center with all the food and drinks on the table. There is a very pretty view of the town just below us. Gean says with his hand on his head "Is it good? it took me about 2 days to work on it." I look at him trying to be cute(even though I really can't) and I say, "This is incredible you did amazing you should feel proud of yourself and it is really pretty too." Gean says "heh thanks" He grabs my hand and we walk to the table, once we are seated our hands are still together under the table.

     We start to eat the food. All of the food was amazing, it was mouth-watering. My favorite was the cooked fish. He remembered that my favorite food it cooked fish. After we wear done eating he stood up and held my hand to his lips and said, "May I ask for this dance." I blushed quite a lot, I said, "Yes you may." Gean walks over to this one tree and puts a music disc on the radio. I realized it was our song. Gean came back lifted me up pushed me close to him. My chest onto his chest. His arm wrapped around my waist, he smiles at me and then we both start to dance. Me and Gean are both signing to our song and dancing. Take me home with you, I can do anything you need. When I am by your side, we can be anything. I will always be there for youuuu. So take me home. I can do anything you need. We twirled around, moved to the beat, shakeing and groveing. It was alot of fun.

   Then Gean pulled me close again once the song was over. My chest was on his, his one arm waped around my waist. His face is next to my ear, I could feel his breath on my neck. Gean wispered in my ear, " Lizzy we have known each other schince little kids, and I think it is time for you to know the truth. I have loved you for a very long time, longer than I think you can think of. I always wanted to feel what your lips feel like, the urge kills me. May I have this kiss?" I am as red as a tomato, and I say, "Gean I have loved too for a very long time, every scince we wear kids. Seeing you date other girl always broke my heart, but now that you want me. Make me feel happy knowing that my heart won't breck anymore. And I love you gean." Geans wispers in my ear again, " I love you too." Gean moves his face too look at my face. He leans his fourhead on mine this kiss's me sofly on my lips. It was like heaven, I didn't want it to end.

    When I opened my eyes I saw the bunny guy in the woods. Walking towords us with a knife, I didn't know what to do.

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