The old Cabin Chapter 21

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       Me and Cincy are finally at the place we need to be at, was a cobblestone path that was in pieces and cracked everywhere. Weeds almost as tall as the windows, vines crawling up the wooden cabin going through the windows and the walls. There is a number that looked rusted and falling it had the same numbers like the one in the photo. I looked at Cincy, all she had was a smirk on her face. It was really creepy, it kinda scares me. I pull out the photo from my bag when I got it out of my bag I put it in front of my eyes. I say out loud on accident, "It is the same cabin!?" Cincy walks but to my side and says, "what is the same cabin?" I then realized that I forgot she is here with me. I then said to Cincy, "Well you see this picture I have in my hands shows a cabin, and the cabin we are in front of is the same one in the picture." Cincy looked a little worried Mabey cuss there was some blood on it. 

      I walk to the front door of the cabin Cincy was right behind me following me. I twist the door nob but it doesn't budge. I then realize that the door looks like it is in perfect shape. I push and shove to try to get it open but nothing works, I even try to use my shoulder and hitting it to be able to get inside but it didn't budge. I tell Cincy, "I don't think the door is going to open, I think we will need to find another way to get inside, I must find a way to get inside if I don't I might never ever save my friends and my lover!" Cincy looks like she doesn't care or even confused, ahh how could I forget she sees and hears everything. I ask Cincy, "do you know this place?" Cincy nodded in agreement. I asked Cincy, "what is this place?" Cincy says, " I have seen this place but I haven't explored it I never felt like it, I just like to watch the people come and go and do weird things like run and walk and talk about things that I don't know about." I was a little surprised I would have thought she would have at least took a peck inside. I said to Cincy, "Alright I will find another way inside." Cincy nodded.

   I walked around the cabin looking for something I could find a way to get inside. I saw a brick just laying on the ground by the overgrown 80's car. It was a light green very tall it wasn't a truck for sure it was a car with huge lights. I grabbed the brick and ran over to Cincy yelling, " Cincy, Cincy, look a found a brick!" Cincy looked at me like she didn't care one bit but then her expression changed quickly to happy, weird. Cincy asked, "What do we need the brick for what's so good about it?"  I said to Cincy, "This is our key to get inside." Cincy then said, "How would that be our key to get inside?" I then said quickly, "We can break a window and we can climb through the window." Cincy almost looked impressed I even was proud of myself, I know I know it isn't that great and all but it makes me feel less useless.

   Cincy backs up knowing that I am going to break a window. I step 3 feet away from the front window and throw the brick at the window as hard as I can. The glass shattered everywhere, a little piece went flying towards my face and scratched my cheek, the skin was peeled for sure. I felt it hit my face, I grabbed my cheek holding it in pain. "Gah, I should have back away just a bit further," I said in pain. I looked at my hand and I saw blood all over my hand. Cincy said, "Your cheek is bleeding a lot you should try to take a break and try to stop the bleeding." I told Cincy no I must keep going no matter what it takes I will save my friends. Cincy looked like she was pleased but I just didn't care. 

   I told Cincy to get on my back and she did, she doesn't wear shoes I don't want her feet to get cut open or something. Once Cincy got on my back, I stepped over the window and I was inside. It was nasty and gross, I was just gross I couldn't even stand the smell. It smelled like wet logs and mold and urine like some animals peed in this building. It was gross just so gross, Cincy looked like she was disgusted as well she was putting her nose in my back and holding on tight. This might be weird but I kinda like how she has the comfort and trust to hold on tight like I am her knight and shining armor. I feel like I know her from somewhere. But I know that this place should have some kind of clues in here somewhere. But I couldn't get my mind off of how gross this place is.

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