The Opening Chapter 29

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       I quietly tiptoe towards the man, once I am there I crouch down. I pull out the knife as quietly and discreetly as I could possibly be. Once I have the knife I put it up against the man's throat. I close my eyes and slice it open. Blood pours out of his throat going all over him and the floor. I grab the gun and grab the keys and just run out of there.

    I am by the door I unlock it and open it up. Before I enter I look around the hallways to see where Cincy is, but I don't see her anywhere. I open the door slowly and quietly, then I see different cellers. I see Jack passed out with dark bags under his eyes, he looks thin but his stomach looks larger than before. I guess he really is pregnant. I then look down and see him holding a body with no arms no legs only his head. Is that Billy? Oh, my god it is Billy what happened to him. His skin is pale very pale, I know that he is dead cuss there is no way of ever surviving that. I then see in the next celler is Gean and Shy, and hanging above them is Shara hanging dead. Her next neck looks brown and purple from where the rope is rubbing against her neck. Her skin is also pail, I know that she is dead. And it looks like she has been dead for a while. Shy is almost naked, in a ball. She just keeps on looking forward, her eyes have been cut out and been replaced with buttons. She had scars all over her body and had a huge cut on her cheek. Gean was just pail not dead though thankfully, he just had cuts and bruises all over his body. He was skinner than before, I then say running over the Gean, "Gean are you okay what happened to everyone!?" Gean just looks at me shaken, he then says with a shudder, "Lizzy? Oh my goodness your hurt badly we need to fix you up." I say, "No we don't we need to get everyone out of hear, we will have to leave the dead bodies hear." He nods his head. 

    He crawls over to Shy and shakes her, she jumps and says,"Whos there don't hurt me anymore please." I feel a pain in my heart knowing that she can't see and is in pain. I walk away so he can help with Shy. I walk to Jack and say, "Jack come on we need to go and escape." Jack shakes his head and then says, "I don't want to leave Billy, I can't." I say to Jack hoping that this will change his mind and make him come, "What about the baby? You can't let the baby die?" He looks shocked. "How did you find out?" I just smile at him and give him a straight look. "Fine, I will go, only for the baby's sake." Jack walks up and is kinda wobble. I help hold him up but we both almost fall. Gean is helping Shy cuss she can't see, Once we are all out of the room Cincy is there saying, " Good job Lizzy got your friends out and killed a man." I stare at her in shock then we just leave the room close it up and start walking towards the exit hallway.

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