The fall Chapter 23

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       I am finally up at the top and there is just a long long long dark hallway. With doors on each side of the walls. I walk up to the first door, it looks like a tint of a brown-red color. I twist the door nob and push it open, it is a room with no windows. I pull out my flashlight from my backpack, and I pull up the switch and it turns on. I move it around and I just see a bed it is quite not so cute or nice, it's not ugly just probably not my type of style. It's like a dark green with dark red. The green was the base color and the red was the strips, and the wood was a nasty dark wood color. There was a chest of toys and next to that was a cradle, it had an old nasty looking stuffed bunny just sitting straight up facing the doorway. There was a closet and a small dresser, I went to the big bed first to see if there were any clues of anything that could be useful to help save my friends and keep Cincy safe. Once I was there I looked all around only to find nothing around the bed I searched the whole bedroom. Well, there is only one thing I didn't check and that was the cradle. I walked over towards and I check in the cradle and there was that creepy bunny, I picked it up only to be even more creepy, I looked at the tag and it said My Bux, who is Bux? Then out of nowhere, I saw bugs crawling on my arms they wear crawling out of the bear. I dropped the bunny quickly and quickly wiped them all off of my arms and got out of that room. 

       I walked to the next room, I was right in front of the door. This door was a different color it was a dark light red, with a white door nob. I kinda liked it, I twisted the door nob slowly opening the door. When I was opening the door slowly it just creaked all the way until it was opened I saw a huge hole in the floor in the center of the room. I walked over to the hole looking down the hole I saw Cincy just looking around the kitchen, I walked around the hole and moved my flashlight around the room to see what I was working with. I saw a small room just filled with clothes. I went ahead and dug through all the clothes, I saw this old pretty dress purple my favorite color. I saw a knife and a rope hanging out of the dress. The rope was just full of blood and so was the knife. I grabbed the items and shoved them in my backpack. And then just left that room, I made sure I was watching my step cuss any moment the ground could break and I could fall through. I went ahead and this pretty bed. It had curtains (see-through) that wear an old nasty pink with moth holes all over it. The bed was pink with white stripes, there was barely any blanket left. I moved the blanket and there was a note and under that envelope and under that was a massive bloodstain. The blood looked old at least, I opened the envelope and I saw cash around 6,000 dollars. And with that cash was a note, the note was old and some letters wear missing. The note said, 

    Dear Nick, 

       My other one true love, I know you love. I know that you cant let go of the people you love the most. Like when your mother left you you wouldn't leave the doorstep until I finally came along and brought you here to the lost and lonely, where we took you in. You must know now that I had a kid with another man. I know this must be shredding your heart, but I love this man more than anything in the world I became a killer for him. I ruined my life when I first saw him I knew right then and there that I would do ANYTHING for him. You must know that your only son isn't really your son, he is also my other lover's kid. I had many affairs with you with my other lover. The bloodstain on the bed my Ex's blood that I went to prom with, then after that me and my other lover had our prom in the with the dead body in the room and dancing with such love, dancing in the pile of blood, the blood dripping making the music for us. The candles wear our only light source. Then after that, we made love next to the dead body. You must know I do love our baby girl with all of my heart and it isn't easy having to let go of her and not being able to see her grow up. But you must tell her that me and her big brother is dead make a fake funnel and everything. I left you 6,000 dollars to help take care of our baby Lizzy. Also one more thing, the baby that I said died at birth. The baby never died, and it was never yours. I wish you the best in your life and tell Lizzy that my last words wear that I love her so so so much. And make sure she NEVER EVER comes this camp bad thins will come her way is she dose.                                                                                                                                                                                              Love, Your Ex-wife

   How could my mother do this, how could dad not tell me this? I fell on the ground holding the note in my hands sobbing and I couldn't stop sobbing. I tried to be strong, but I couldn't... I couldn't stop crying. I wanted to stop someone make it stop, Please tell me this is a dream. This has to be a dream. Why would mom and brother leave me and dad for this person? And moms a killer! I couldn't believe what I read, I sat there for around 30 minutes sobbing my life away. I couldn't take it, this all was too much to take in. I started to have a panic attack, it was so hard to breathe that I had to try to gasp for air. My legs felt numb I was trembling crying. At this point, I wanted to die at this very moment. I only feel like this in rare situations.

     I stuff the note and money in my bag. And then out of nowhere massives rats came running out from under my bed. , coming straight towards my way. I am crawling backwords not looking at where I was going, I couldn't keep my eyes off of the massive rats( Almost the size4.8feet).with their bright red eyes and their huge teeth, their teeth were yellow and looked like there was blood on them. Then when I just remembered there is a giant hole in the middle of the room, it was too late. I was upright against the hole, I was going to fall if I move any further. One of the rats quickly jumped on me, pushing me back down the hole. I was screaming, and trying to get the rat off of me while falling. The rat scratched my eye and my arms and my stomach even biting me and many areas. I finally got the rat off by punching it in the face. I was still falling though I felt the air blowing quickly under me, my hair going all over my face to wear it was hard to see. I saw Cincy screaming and crying, I was just so close to her, I fell through the base of the second floor. The wood hitting my back is so painful, it scratched and torn some of my skin and clothes. I was still falling and screaming, I was Cincy panicking looking down at me. I finally landed, it was all dirty with dust and dirt the floor was not uncomfortable at all. In fact, it felt like it was wood, I started to slowly fall asleep because I fell too hard. I heard Cincy screaming my name, "LIZZY, LIZZY, LIZZY, ARE YOU OKAY I AM GOING TO FIND A WAY TO GET DOWN THERE STAY SAFE!" I was alone in the dark, underground. Everything was slowly disappearing, I was almost out cold. I just saw a glimpse of light coming from around this corner, just heading my way.

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