Chapter 18

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Been long....But no way would I ever forget about giving you guys more of this story! Please be generous with your comments and votes! I'd really appreciate that gesture! <3 


"And what makes you so sure you can beat me? You have no idea who you are challenging here. I wish you weren't so into yourself, There's a whole lot world you are yet to see and acknowledge, Nesta Archeron. And this mountain is just the start. But you know you won't believe what places I have been to...The best being the Greensphereicals burg. Its a maze, where me, Rhysie and Azriel went to as children. It used to be like a treasure hunt for us. And of course no need to say I defeated those jerks. Not that I am bragging, but what can I say. Truth is powerful." 

"I know right! And shall I say you most definitely are bragging Cassian. Truth is powerful indeed. " I don't need to look at him to know he is pouting his way up. I shake my head and continue the climb. 

It's almost morning, the sun is yet to show up, but the morning mist and the inhale of fresh air is like a warm blanket for the soul. The slow chirping of birds is music to the ears. Its been hours since the Ramiel incident. After the awkward hug that we shared, I couldn't let myself give in more to Cassian. I have been pissed the whole time. Not at him, Not at me, Not at the Ramiel, but at fate. At what destiny was leading me to. Cassian had been trying to lighten the mood ever since, he knows I am struggling to control my emotions. And I need to keep myself calm, the world would be better place without me causing landslides, or storms. I gaze at Cassian's silhouette. We should have stopped the climb and probbaly headed down, The guards could wake up or call on us any time, Rhys wouldn't forgive Cassian for this, and I have a feelings Feyre is gonna side with Rhysand in this one as well as Azriel, Mor, Amren. No one wanted Cassian to climb this up. I get what Cassian was trying to tell. If you are pleasant with the mountain, its pleasant with you. 

"What's on your mind Hon'?" It takes me a moment to get the hon in my head. 

"Don't call me that." 

"I can call you whatever I want."

"Oh bless your delusional heart." A chuckle escapes his mouth as I say it. And I gaze up to meet his eyes. They are always the same yet different. Same heud in color, prefect blend of the earth and  hazelnut. I couldn't not feel anything for the expression on his face right at the moment. We found a hedgehog and Cassian seats himself, dragging me by the hand and jerking it down, making me sit. My legs almost give out as I sit and stretch them out, and a moan escapes me at the ache and satisfaction of being able to finally sit down. And I regret it as soon as it echoes a bit in the alone woods. Cassian watches me intently, I can feel his eyes on me. 

"I thought you said you were going to beat me." 

"And I will..."

"You look tired lord of bloodshed. I should continue. I hope you'll be able to make peace with yourself after the lose." 

"C'mere you!" His voice is as soft as it can be and as his face inches closer, I feel a tug at my shoes, at the same time his lips touch mine in softest of kiss and moves away. His nose is cold on mine, and he keeps coming closer, not touching our lips, teasing me, he kisses right under my lips, just beside them, on my nose and then on the chin always closing in on the lips but leaving them. I can feel his smile, he is enjoying teasing me, and it's making me lose control. I cup his cheeks with mouth, pulling him in and taking control of the kiss. He is smiling through his lips and I can see myself smiling back a little. It's like time has nothing on us, and we have nothing to do with the world, We are lost...It's like we are lost in the wild. Only this isn't what we should be doing. 

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