Chapter 5

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I wake up the next morning again early in the dawn. Its hard to sleep throughout the night. When I sleep, I feel on edge and every time I wake up I feel alone and frantic. I walk out putting on my jacket. The sun rays have started touching the mountains above. Just like before the Illyrians seem to be sleeping. I watch the largest mountain to my right. It was magnificent and huge and beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off it. My hand on their own accord, straightened and faced the mountain, I played with my fingers, which were moving as if it were normal of them to just tingle and leave a metallic smell. I close my eyes, finding my mind concentrating so deeply that it was hard to regain and contemplate my own conscience. It was trying to feel the mountain, focusing on it, Sweat glistened my forehead and streamed down my neck, but then I started to play along and kept my focus, I didn't know what I was doing but something told me I can feel it if I want to, It felt like I can touch it without touching it. The mountain that is. I felt the snow first, my fingers started to tingle as I felt the coolness rush down my body. I pressed my palm on the surface. My eyes opened. Unbelievable. The mountain stood before me....yet miles away. I was able touch it, feel it. I felt like I was touching myself. Holy Mother!

I jerked my hand off, and put my hand on my neck, I didn't feel any pain. But I felt a different sort of weakness envelope me. As if I shouldn't have touched it. As if I shouldn't have known that I could touch it. The river below danced in my ears, the wind moving faster and the ground beneath me shook. It felt like they were telling a tale. I groaned in anger. I was enraged. But they didn't stop. I heard them again as their voices continued to surround me while they spoke. 

 Oh you the sea, drowned in the fire and ash, the howling wind and the rock seek you, oh you the mother of ours, The beauty in all have found us...yet you have not.

I cried out in agony, growling, the winds moving faster around me, the ground shaking, the rivers splashing. I could feel their power, I could feel myself. My strength, My mind. I shrieked when I felt my knees collapsing, I could see blurred images gathered around, I could hear the cries of the infants, The hustle that was happening around me and feel every breath they felt like i was destroying them. No. NO . NO.. I tried to pull it all back in me and then I felt it. I was breaking, I was breaking into segments of power. With a cry that awoke the dead, I collapsed on the surface and........ felt him shaking me up. Cassian. 

Everything went numb. 


I felt asleep in the camp that I had visited the previous night, I awoke when my siphons started flickering. Then I heard it, The scream that made me see red. Then the chaos and the shouts of people for help. I had winnowed back to Windhaven sensing there was something wrong, when I saw a cyclone of snow/wind and then the ground shaking, half of the Illyrians were already above the ground taking in their children, some carried their wives and taking them on the nearest safe surface, No one knew what was happening. And then I finally saw her as the wind separated and crushed when her cry broke out and echoed through the mountains. I had to cover my own ears. The ground beneath me started tearing up and Nesta was there, completely shattered on the surface. I rushed to her side picking her up. Her eyes were open, but her voice didn't come out when she tried to say my name. I carried her in my arms, her breathing wasn't audible but I knew, I just knew she was alive. She had to be, I rose high above in the sky as the ground beneath me had been shattered, completely torn apart. I took her to where everyone now were well mostly because  I looked down at the so many people still left on the camp and I couldn't just not stand here, carrying her. I had to help. So I softly place Nesta down, she is still numb, no movement.

 A huge scream had me flapping my wings and flying down to the camp, noticing Emerie and a few others like her, their clipped wings. Damn the Male Illyrians for doing this to them, I held out a hand to three of them as I saw Lord Owen landing beside me and flying away with the other two. And suddenly it happened as soon as we were far off, land collapsed and the tents, that were already erupted by the cyclone, crashed down into the river.

 After some minutes when we all got over to what had happened. I looked over at everyone and shouted for Devlon. "How many?" I asked seeking the information if anyone died or got injured. "Surprisingly none, General. Only minor injuries to some when the tents got erupted, we were fast to come to a safe place." I finally released the breath I had been holding and let my face fall in shame, unable to believe what had happened. Thankfully no deaths.

 I felt dark shadows forming. "What the hell happened here?" Rhys came forward demanding, his voice was patient, but the hint of anger and disarray didn't go unnoticed by anyone."There was a cyclone, small but destructive, the ground shattered, the tents well just look around, Everyone is safe though, no casualties." I couldn't meet his eyes because I hadn't exactly told him the truth. He too let out a steam as he relaxed after knowing there was no death. He knew i wasn't fully telling the truth and before he could ask further,  Feyre pushed him aside in a second and then stood in front of me, her eyes roaming over my face and then wings, my leathers and sighed in relief when she found no injury. My eyes softened at her concern as I saw her glistening eyes.  Her eyes. Then as if it occurred both to her and me, I scurried off to Nesta, she was still there lying, unmoving. "Oh holy grails, Nesta!" She bent down on her knees and took Nesta's hand, trying to warm it as if that would work. But nevertheless I did the same. There was a small crowd that had formed around us, looking at her. Tears streaked down Feyre's cheeks as she cried out Nesta's name telling her to open her eyes. I knew Feyre could feel Nesta's heart beating, but that didn't relax her. Rhysand came forward and took Feyre, letting her cry on his shoulder. I grumbled. "She isn't dead!" Rhys gave me a stink eye for raising my voice at her but I ignored it and carried Nesta. I saw Az talking with Devlon, commanding everyone to mover over to the camp behind the mountain and stay there till further notice. Everyone scattered around and now there was just me, Nesta in my arms and Feyre now having calmed herself, sitting beside me. I was still looking at Nesta, her solemn face, one side of her face had a bruise, adding to the wounds on her arms. I wanted her to open her eyes, see me, shout at me, hell if it meant just seeing her moving, talking, I'd even love to hear her call me a bastard with a whatever mind she said I had. I whispered, "Please, Nes."

Feyre didn't say anything as she winnowed the three of us to the estate. Rhys and Az were staying for a while to make sure, everything was settled. I should have done the same but I was unable to leave Nesta behind without knowing if she really was okay. As soon as I had put Nesta on the bed, Elain had come rushing upsatirs, demanding to know if her sister was okay. Feyre had politely told her that Nesta was gonna be okay and she just needed to rest. Lie. We didn't know what was wrong. Feyre left saying that she'll get some hot water to put on her forehead and call Madja (our family healer) and so I was left with Nesta. I took her hand in mine and bend down on the bed. I felt tremors rushing through her veins and Nesta turning, Her eyes still closed, sweat covered her body and her movements became frantic. Nightmare. She was definitely having a nightmare. 

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