Chapter 22

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A little warning: A bit of a sexual act ahead. If you don't feel like reading it or think it's offensive to you, you can always skip it. No big deal. But since you all are here only after reading the ACOTAR series, I hope this isn't gonna make such a difference.
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I wake up in the midst of early morn feeling sweat pouring down my body. And everything felt so heavy. I couldn't move my limbs and I knew the reason. I could feel the reason actually.
His head was on my stomach, his hands wrapped around my waist and back. I don't know how that was possible. He moved and his head pushed a bit more into me, Mother above! This is so stupid.
"Cassian." I try to stir him awake. He was sweating too.

It was early morning, the light hasn't peeked through the tents yet and so it still looked dark. But it had gotten quite warm, maybe because with the leathers and then Cassian's wings. He was snoring softly. I can imagine the stopping of the blood circulation in his limbs. His hands look pale. But he was the one to wrap his arms around me, not at all my fault here. But oh cauldron help me cause I like this. A little more than I should. And I am not even sorry. I want this . I want him.

I slide my fingers through his hair and sigh, holding in my laugh. He has such baby soft hair. I mean for real!!
To think Lord of Bloodshed, the one who kills without even thinking twice in a war. Whose sword when clashes even with the most powerful of creatures, ends 'em dead would have hair that would make you sigh. Too much of a fantasy right? But right then was this and I couldn't stop myself.
I can't stop.
I can't stop touching his hair. And I know I should but I just can't.
He stirs again and his brown sleepy gaze meet mine. He sighs and closes his eyes again.
"Don't stop. That felt nice."
His voice is so husky and deep that I almost don't relate to what he just said. I touch his hair again, this time without the fear of waking him up. And he mumbles something in my stomach as he pushes his mouth further in. Shivers run down my spine and my stomach squirms in a plea of not being able to handle him this close. He looks up and gazes deep into my eyes.

"You were sweating." I say as matter of fact.
He sits up and removes his jacket.
I curse under my breath. Should have known he wasn't wearing anything underneath.
I know I am red, my cheeks are flushed but I am not ashamed to check him out. I have seen him without a shirt a lot many times, but now it just all looks so intimidating. It's like the tent is enclosing in on us.
My eyes drift over to his tattoo on his arms reaching up to his neck. Gorgeous.
"You doing good there?" He asks, his eyes on my face.
I sit up, and loosen the lace of my leather top, slowly. His eyes do see me doing it, but it felt like they were still on my face. He watched my face, his eyes not leaving mine. And without thinking I undress myself out of the upper wear.
"Yes, just felt too sweaty and gross." I said.

And so there I sat in front of him with just the leather pants and a loose piece of black camis.
He comes closer to me and pulls on the cami top. It doesn't take him long to get me out of it.
"Only fair." He says and then lies down again. Now we are both bare chest. And what's strange is that it doesn't feel embarrassing.
I lie down next to him. No one says anything for some time and I wonder if he had fallen asleep.
"How did you end up sleeping on me?" I whisper my question.
He doesn't respond for a while and I actually think that he has fallen asleep.
"I am not a sound sleeper, and I literally cannot sleep in one single position. Don't worry this isn't something I got from my past. It's just a basic me thing." He chuckles at the end of it and I feel myself smiling at the 'basic me'.
"That's almost the 4th time I would have made you smile Nesta Archeron, should I be flattered?"
I bat my eyelashes just to tick him off and roll on to his side.
He rolls too and we are both face to face.
"You know how many times I thought of killing you in your sleep, Cassian?" I say and he doubles over with laughter.
"What?" I ask amused at him laughing with such vigour.
"Nothing. If I'll tell you, you will actually kill me." He says and reaches his hand towards my face to put a tendril away but then stops midway.
I eye him with suspicion.
"Ugh, It's just I never knew you killing me in my sleep would be such a turn on for me. You never cease to amaze."
"I have been told that before." I relax.

And then there's just time now. His eyes linger on my lips longer than I felt comfortable to let him. And then move down my neck, his gaze is so intense that it's like he himself is touching me. And then his gaze is right there on my breast, I can almost read his thoughts, and I can feel him doing what he is thinking of doing, and it's too much, I let out a gasp and his eyes move back to my face.
Oh And then there's this.........kissing Cassian.


I propped myself on my hand and I ran my eyes over her curves that were laid bare to me. With great difficulty I moved my eyes back to her face.
Nesta was breathing hard. We both were. And yet we kissed cause I didn't know how to stop.
A few more seconds later I felt Nesta pulling away. Oh I have had enough of her playing this push and pull.
"No, This is happening."
I said and claimed her mouth again. I moved towards her neck, and sucked on her sensitive area, probably leaving a mark.
"I don't want to have sex with you right now."

I only kissed her harder at that as she moaned.

"Would you at least let me touch you if I promise we won't have sex right now?" I asked running a finger down her hip.
She shivered under the contact and nodded and nodded.
I moved my finger over her taut stomach, caressing her scar for a little longer and then along the underside of her breasts. She gasped making me groan. Her body shook with the contact and I wondered if she'd object if I did something more.
I slowly moved my finger downwards, moving my finger along her soft skin of her upper thighs. I teased her over there for some time deliberately avoiding the place she wanted me to touch the most.
Nesta arched her back trying to get my finger where she needed it. Her frustrating noise only encouraged me more and so I teased her. Her moans were getting harsher and louder. I finally moved my finger upwards and then into her panties. Her eyes fluttered close and she made an 'o' with her mouth as a loud gasp escaped her.
"What do you want me to do Nes?"
I asked in the most playful voice I could. Her eyes gazed into mine and she looked so out of it. It was almost like on the verge of mercy.
I began moving my fingers deeper into her core. She put her hand above mine and guided it to the spot she wanted me to touch her.

I leaned towards her, and began to trail, soft wet kisses along her jaw and neck. As if in instinct she caught my head in between her hands and then bit onto my lips. "Don't play around right now." She said and moved lower, kissing my throat and then my tattoo. Her hands lingering there for a few seconds more.
"Tell me what do you want Nesta?" I asked as
I took over again and added another finger,and resumed my exploration. I make her moan and gasp as she rolls her eyes closed. I move a little bit on top of her to see her face from up close.
She was breathtaking and this was sight to behold.

Nesta was getting desperate now, her breathing frantic as I moved my fingers faster. "Tell me." I pressed myself on her not allowing her to move her hips and squirm to want more. She was pretty close to her release I could just sense it.
"Make me come."
I held her gaze "Say please." I know I was testing her. But I couldn't miss on the opportunity. Nesta huffed and pulled me to her, kissing me tauntingly. "Give me what I want." She exclaims. I look at her waiting for her to say more. Nesta makes some frustrating noises but then finally admits. "Please." I smirked . "Now was that so hard, sweetheart?" I pressed my thumb to her nub and rubbed gently. She was almost on the edge. She clenched her fists so tightly and arched her body as one of the most powerful and utterly precious's of sound escaped her mouth.

The thought of Nesta coming just with my fingers was so overwhelming. I couldn't stop looking at her. She was still breathing hard, her eyes closed and dreamy.
And I...I was still hot, I needed a cold shower to take care of my body's reaction to her.
I thought this was bad but when she opened her eyes and looked at me, all I could ever care for was her.

What do you do to me Nesta?

I know this could've been a lot better. The next time one might even be. ;) So stay tuned. And please please VOTE 🤍(LIKE), COMMENT 🤍what you liked in this chapter and what more you'd want to see ahead and SHARE 🤍with your friends if you don't want them to miss out on this fanfic. ♥️♥️

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