Chapter 11

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In continuation with the previous one....


"What did you say?" I turn my head to face him. His hair in a fascinating manbun, his crooked smile turned up one side of his face, and he lowered his eyes, meeting my stare that way. Holy Mother above. He is such an arrogant, cocky, self obssessed hunk! I mean he did this because he knew, he knew that stare would make me breathless. "I said you are beautiful." I held his stare, an amused smile playing on my lips. "Yeah," I say and adjust myself a little away from him,  and then lower my eyes the same way he had done. "and you are not." He howls a laugh at that and I scrunch my nose, "Oh sweetheart is that why you shifted away, cause my beauty wasn't offending yours?" I makes a vulgar gesture. "Yeah sure, uplift yourself, that's actually what people do when no one else appreciates them." 

"And you know that because--?" I cut in between. "--Because I just heard you do that." He shakes his head. Good, he finds this amusing. Very good, totally juvenile. 

The night isn't that chilly, and I like it. I like the pleasant air that's moving around. I see the moon high up, hidden behind the enormous cluster of stars. I remove my jacket, and sit up straighter, trying my best not to glance at Cassian, as he get up and stretches his arms. A yawn escapes his mouth and I glance up. He had been doing so much for me, even though I couldn't help but be bad to him. I can't even tell how uncomfortable that chair must have been, and he had been sleeping in it since three days. Just so that I don't have to wake up alone and breathless cause of my nightmares. "You don't have to do all this." He raises his brows in question. "You don't need to sleep on the chair cause of my stupid nightmares, you don't have to be there when I vomit my guts out and you don't have to train me and babysit with me while I train. We both don't owe each other anything Cassian." He ponders upon something for a few minutes and there is a pin-drop silence everywhere around, except for the sounds of crickets and Sidra's water running down the glaciers. "Nesta?" I look up at him. His eyes are speaking volumes, like as if I just hurt him too deep with this. No, no I didn't wanna hurt him, I just wanted him to stop hurting and sacrificing his state because of me. When I don't say anything he just continues. "Do you know what your nightmares are about?" I shake my head. They are mostly about cauldron I think cause I always feel broken, and drained and like am fighting for my life, for someone who mattered the most...... uh oh.

 I meet his eyes and he smiles, a sad smile that almost makes me choke. He crouches in front of me taking my hand, his thumbs are running circles around my hand and I am so confused at the moment that I let him do that. My dreams are about him, about him dying, saving me. About his membranous beautiful wings, torn apart, and his face a bloody mess. My blue-green eyes are watery, as they stare into his dark hazel ones. "I owe you my life Nesta, I owe you myself. I would have been dead two times already, if it weren't for you saving my juvenile ass, as you like to say." He chuckles slightly.

 I shake my head. "You tried to save my life, I saved yours. And there's the end of it. We don't have anything to do with each other." I get up hastily, and my sweater get's attached to a twig, I try to break it apart, when the sweater tears up a little, He scoops down and moves his hand to separate the thorns. "No need. I'll do it." I say.

"I can help, its not a big deal." So so stubborn. 

I close my eyes, and I try to cover my midriff where the scar is. I got this scar when Thomas had tried to force himself on me ad I didn't have anything to push him away so I used my knees, My hit backfired when his ring, that had some harsh iron nail kinda thing on it, scratched my skin, It's barely visible. As a fae, I can heal it with my magic, but I chose not to. This is always gonna remind of the scared, foolish me. The one who thought but never showed how much she believed in love stories. Thomas had felt right at a moment and I thought I was ready, until I wasn't. I shake my head to stop thinking about it and look at a raging Cassian in front of me. He can't know this. He'll kill him, I know he will. He just can't know! "Cassian, I said I'll do it." I remove his hands away but he noticed it, of course he did. I still try to hide it and don't say anything and start walking, he was faster, he held my wrist, and twirled my body around his, my chest clashes with his chest and he is breathing fire. I have never seen him this angry, "Who the fuck did this to you?" I almost flinch at his harsh way, but shout back. "That's none of your goddamn business."

 "It's him isn't it? The one Feyre told us you were gonna marry?" He scoffs in the end as if marrying was the worst thing to ever exist. 

"The one I broke my marriage with. But what is it to you, nothing happened."

 "Nesta, please." His eyes looked pained and he pleads. 

 "I don't want to talk about it Cassian. I don't even care anymore." He doesn't seem convinced but nods anyways.

 "I am tired." I whisper shout.

 He puts his hand around my waist, His fingers caressing my scar, the scar wasn't big, but sure yeah it looked quite disgusting if anyone looks closely. I can't look at him. But I know he is. He closes the distance between us, as his lips brush my forehead, giving me a long chastising kiss. He murmers against my lips. "I'll never let this happen again Nesta, I'll be your shield, Just like you had been mine." I push him away. "Stop! Just stop." 

He doesn't seem surprised. He is so calm and I...I am a mess, A storm. But he is so stubborn, he should just leave me alone already, He doesn't need a storm to disrupt his peace. I don't realize I had said it aloud, when he tugs at my waist, holding me tight, caresses my cheek and flaps his wings. Through the wind, we soar high above and above, and I might have just been dreaming, but what he says next undid me. 

"You know Nesta, I hate storms, but yours is too pleasant to let go." 

I pretend I didn't hear it.

The chapter was small I know. But I thought, it might suffice if i add some conversation between them. And yeah about Thomas, I am really less on info about that male. If you guys can help me in what exactly happened between Nesta and Thomas then that woukd be great, tell me in the conversation box. And now if you liked this chapter, let me know in the comments down below and vote! Thank you for reading it. Till next time. X

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