Chapter 13

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I wish I could have pushed her to her edge and pulled out all the secrets she was keeping in hiding. Nesta's powers are unknown, deadly, although mesmerizing, it's harmful. Everyone just wants to help her, so that she can help herself and others. Is it that hard to trust us? But who am I kidding it's not about the trust perhaps, she just doesn't want to acknowledge that she has powers. No matter how much she dislikes us immortals, she needs to understand and know that she is the like us now. We are the same. And we need to dig each other the most.

After our heated session of sword defense and attack, which resulted in arguments, bickering and the daily banter. She stopped a bit to huff out some intake of air. "Let's stop here today. You are tired." I say and put my sword back in my case. She is still trying to breathe in a systematic way. "I am not tired. I can do more." She puts a hand on her hips, still trying to catch her breath. She doesn't even want to admit that she is tired. I wonder if her guards would ever let anyone in. And so to make her agree with me I say. "Oh I know, but I am tired. Let's go back."

"Well if you are tired, then, your wish. I mean I can do more." She says a bit coyly and shrugs.

"Why, Thank you for your generosity, Nesta. Shall we head back?" I say trying so hard to hide my amusement. She nods eagerly and I chuckle. Her cheeks redden a bit and I can't erase the smile that stays on my face, until we reach back to the estate. Nesta stays on the patio when we land. Her mind seem to be lost in something she is pondering over. Before I could ask what's up with her she responds. "I am hungry."

I tilt my head. "I'll bring you dinner?" She looks at me and shakes her head. "I want to eat with everyone." My eyes widen. And by the way she is trying to form words in her mouth I can tell not in a good way.

"Look, I am not going to harm anyone, And I don't even want to talk to anyone. I'll just eat and get back here. I want a change of environment. This room makes me retch every time." I take a step towards her, she is so wrong on what I think of her. I know she cares about everyone here, even Naula and Cerridwen. She is just really good at masking it up. I am grinning as I take her hand and we lead our way downstairs.

"I know you won't harm anyone Nesta. Everyone knows that. They'll be in fact quite happy to see you. Especially Feyre and Elain. They kinda always miss you."

She scoffs. She doesn't believe me. Well I can't care at the moment as we turn to the right in the elegant hallways towards the dining. Rhys chokes on his wine, Amren adjusts herself better on the armchair. Azriel stays expressionless and More for some reason seems like she is fuming. But the reaction I am waiting to see is of Feyre. Her eyes are watering as she sees her sister finally get out of the room, Her smile is the widest I have seen since a long time. Elain enters the picture with a cutlery in her hands filled with chicken pie. She almost jumps when she sees Nesta. I grin at both of them. This is priceless.

Feyre stands up reaching over to Nesta, when her gaze drops to our joined hands. Nesta seems to notice the same thing and jerks her hand away. I am gonna get a good round of interrogation with everyone with the way they noticed me flinch and Nesta restless like that.

I warn Feyre to not ask anything to Nestaatleast until she eats something. Feyre nods and everyone tries to act normal. I can't just push Nesta back in the room again. 

One step at a time.

There is an awkward silence between everyone as we settle on the table. I hate weekends these days. Everyone seems to be too busy. Rhys is always with Feyre. Az doesnt want to entertain me,  he is too busy in the study. Mor is working really hard for the exile she is going on some months later. I don't think if she'll go, but I know for sure, she'll not sit here and have Keith and his darkbingers roam around Velaris.

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