Chapter 17

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As I run off the wolves are on him, I keep looking back at him, The wolves aren't dying, they are evaporating in the air, as he attacks them. "Lord Of Bloodshed. After 500 years. Oh how lovely to meet you." The mountain speaks. Let me say that again. "The mountain spoke." Bloody hell! I stop where I am and look down. The wolves are gone and he is panting, I can see his head, bleeding out a little right above his eyebrow. Cassian doesn't say anything. He looks just as surprised as I am.

"You see, You brought someone along with you." Cassian's eyes flutter over to me, and there is fear in his eyes. Actual fear as the mountain continues.

"She belongs here, with us, she is what we are. Welcome Goddess of death. You are found."

In continuity....

Cassian gawks at me, in a strange way that makes me loose my senses. What does that exactly mean?I belong here? On this mountain? Is this why the eagles were taking me here? 

The mountain stopped shuddering all of a sudden when he knew that we weren't gonna run off again. In a second Cassian was near me, he took my hands in his and entwined our fingers, holding them tightly. I could tell it was a reaction done on instinct. He didn't even know he did that. But I don't bother taking my hands out of his grasp. It felt as is he didn't want me to leave him. It was good to know someone was bothered of my presence. Even it was Cassian. I am supposed to say something to the mountain I know, And I need to give my response fast. The books I read with Amren, always told about how old things believe in commands of their master. And according to this mountain, eagles, doves, I think I am their goddess weird as that sounds. I know what I need to do. 

I take a step forward and feel the mountain shudder again. The branches were still as a stick, but the wind was sharp. I wanted Cassian to loosen the grip on my hands. But he didn't let go. I raised my head at the peak, where now the three stars were starting to look prominent. I have no clue if this is going to work or not but I need to try. I don't want to annoy this old rough creature.

"Ramiel,  I am not ready. I need time. I will get back to where I belong. When I am ready to belong to something. You are going to wait for me. You are going to wait, until I ask you to get me." My voice sounded hoarse and rough and the command came out so naturally that i didn't feel like i was doing it for the first time. I had to say the truth cause or this wouldn't have ended nicely. The wind died, and the three stars at the top, dimmed. There was no light, nothing nowhere. the sky filled up with dark clouds. Cassian and I scooted closer to each other, standing without any clue of what was happening. 

                             We will wait. We have to wait. But only if you mean what you said. Lord of Bloodshed, she isn't yours to have, Do not make mistakes that will be hard to forgive.

It was as if the clouds were singing, and then they went away clearing the night sky, Everything went back to normal, nothing changed, it was almost like nothing even happened. I look over at Cassian who was studying my face cautiously. His face looked pale, and the wound on his forehead still hadn't healed. He didn't have his powers to heal it. I cut out a piece of my fabric and reach over to his temple to clean the blood. He moves away a little when I touch it but then relaxes under my touch. His eyes were still on my face. But I don't look at him. I know I should but I can't and so I leave it there, I didn't realize I was holding my breath, until he put his hand on my waist, his fingers moving up and down my back assuredly. Our foreheads touched in sync and then he hugged me and I let out a sigh. I don't think I could have had needed anything else at that moment. 


I cannot express the fear i felt today. It was like I was scared of losing the most important thing in my life again. As if I was gonna lose Nesta just the way I lost my mother, where i was totally helpless. Right now as i am taking in her scent, her powerful smell of rose, honey and i dont know what else but it felt like a sweet and bold thing to wear. It suit her. I couldn't let go of Nesta just yet. There's more to Nesta and I then we both thought. There is something, a bond that I am unable to name yet. And as much as she denies it, right now in my arms I can feel her heart beating for us to happen, rooting for us to happen. 

I AM SO SORRY! This was a very small chapter, I have just been so busy with school and everything. I promise i'll make it up to you guys....Just please don't give up on me and this story yet! There's lots of things I want you all to read ahead. XD

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