Chapter 14

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Sorry! I know it's been long since I posted a chapter. And I really wanna thank you all for your patience. I wasn't well the past few days. Was feeling a little better today so thought of writing ahead. I can't promise this one's long but I won't make you guys wait for the next one for sure. So this one will suffice for now. Thanks for staying along this book. I adore you guys. 


Sometimes I wonder, if my life could be any easier, I mean cause trust me its easy, sometimes it actually is easy, your mind just like to play tricks, just likes to complicate and watch you lose everything. Watch you lose yourself. I guess I am still not over that part, and not that i want to believe this, but this time I do have a lot to lose.

 Flashback to yesterday.

I start the story, "There's a saying that sometimes love is not enough to make a person stay with them forever, it requires your soul................"

I feel a little ticklish on my neck and see him breathing close to my neck as his eyes stay on the book. 

"Are you paying attention?"


I shake my head and continue.

 After over a few chapters into the story, I start to feel a bit sleepy, My eyes are faltering over the words and i am parched. His head on my shoulders feels heavy now, I turn around and see him fast asleep, my blood is boiling, how dare he? I hated, I hated how he slept, while I was still reading. I am so foolish sometimes why would i even read to him. I get my shoulder out from under his chin, and his head falls onto the bed dramatically. His eyes still unfocused, open up and look around.

 "Nesta? Cauldron-boil me, Is that you? Am I in your room? Did we have a good night together?" His voice is so groggy, but in a good way, almost on the verge where i'll consider it sexy. But his words... I cringe instantly. 

"No we didn't, we'll never have a night together. Move out of my bed. I want to sleep and you need to go." I push his chest away from my face as i see him coming closer and closer.

"Damn my head aches, but you, Mother above! Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" His hot breath fans my face, I am so thankful it's dark in here cause this time my face would have given it all away. No, no one has ever told me that. Not any human, not Tomas, certainly not any fae, They just wanted my body. They only ever saw my body. 

Why is he always nice to me?

"I'll literally punch you in the guts if you are planning on getting even a inch closer." 

"You know when the first time I saw you, I saw this, this storm, this storm in your eyes, It's like a never ending confusion, a dilemma you are going through, to be tough or to be gentle." I am taken aback at what he just said so I sit back as he continues, "And then your mouth ahh this lovely, sensual mouth of yours, I am addicted to this. Your words too, and as much as you want to scare me off with them, I just keep on wanting more, I come back for more. Even and especially the way we kiss. Did you ever felt the tingle of magic that envelops us when that happens?" I am not sure what to say, I am not sure if I even can. My emotions are choking me. He lays his head back on the pillow and looks over at me.

"You are scared Nesta, I am too. I wasn't ready for you. I think I'll never be ready for you. And you want me but you can't accept that. You never will. Isn't that scary to think?"  I sit straighter

"Yes, and that' why we have nothing to think about. Leave the room Cassian."

He stays silent, still lying on my pillow looking over at me, His eyes drinking my firmness. He goes over to the door but turns abruptly. "I wanna hear what happens next." My expression must have conveyed i didn't get what he said cause he answered. 

"I listened to the story. I wasn't sleeping." And then he leaves. 

He is the one making my mind dissolve into his world. I am not letting that happen and with that thought I slept.

And now after a week, I don't know, I am back in his arms going over to the mulberry camp, where the Illyrians are. He said I'll train with everyone normally. Its just that i am not normal. I can't care less about how much the Illyrians dislike me or him. I just can't care when he lands and Devlon and a large built guy are on their foots, come towards us. 

"Oh look who we've got. Ahh the lovely Nesta Archeron." The guy with Devlon says and gushes over at me, taking my hand. Before he could plant a kiss, I snatch it away.

 "Keep your distance."

  His eyes darken, a little too much for my discomfort. He only takes a step forward, when Cassian moves me to his back "I think the lady made something clear, MOVE."

 Cassian's voice is one I have never heard before. I am too engrossed in his voice that i don't notice the two men staring each other down. Marcus grunts like an animal and stomps away. Devlon shakes his head and looks over at Cassian. "I hope she is prepared." 

Cassian side glances me, and before he can, I speak for myself. "I am." I know i am, Me and Cassian and Lord Owen trained for a week for this, I know the days don't add up to anyone's confidence but i am sure I can live up with this training they do. Lord Owen and Cassian both had trained me. I am ready, I am ready for a fight with myself and him and everyone who thinks I am gonna blow this off. 

I walk over to the clear patch, I can see the men and women in their Illyrian training outfits, they are eyeing my every move, I can tell by the way every child is looking at me, I am the living nightmare for them. I hate me. I hate me so much right now. I am not the witch here. I don't wanna be the witch here. Today they are going to test if i even have it in me to train like an Illyrian, Illyriand don't accept faes and start training them just as if they are all the same. No, for the Illyrians here in this camp Worth matters. I am gonna be tested if i am worthy enough or not. 

I just need to participate in every session today without any break in between. Women have three sessions, The first one for half an hour which is for the running and stretching in the early morning just after the sunrise, for that they wake up before the sunrise so that they can cook, wash and do the regular household chores. The second session break just after the first one, includes the core work that goes on for an another and the last one didn't use to be for women and only men were trained with the weapons, spears, swords, knives. But now since Rhysand Cassian have made Devlon agree with some terms and he is here to make sure they are held up.  It's happening and it goes on for 2 hours. I am supposed to be doing all that and then going off on a hike which has a time limit of 30 mins. Mother above! I can't say I am liking this. 

The women are in their trance and I wiping off my nervousness move to join them. 

"Nesta?" Cassian's voice stops me and I look back. 

"You got this."

 He's so wrong.....

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