Chapter 4

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The things were happening in a blur, every other person was busy in their own activities, There was so much haste, and rush, and tightness. This place was different than Velaris. These were happy people, but their faces kinda showed otherwise. In Velaris, you could see people greeting each other, always smiling and free and cheerful. Here, people barely greeted, actually no one did, even the children were supposed to wake up early and instead of laughing or playing around. They were being trained with a deadly ferocity. Discipline was indeed noticed. And the wariness when they saw me didn't go unnoticed either. I was thankful no one yet tried to have a conversation with me, because of course they know who I was. The sullen witch who took the killing shot. I wasn't a hero in their eyes. And I was thankful for that. People in Velaris were too keen to always acknowledge and demand or say thanks for something that I don't ever want to take credit for. I didn't know what to do here, so I had showered and stepped out. The day wasn't that cold. It was actually starting to get hot as the day went by. Spring was near anyways. I handt seen Cassian since the last time we talked, he has been MIA since and I...well I am bored. And irritated. My shawl was just drawl that didn't cover enough and if I wanted to last tonight than I'd need something better surely. I see a shop where some winter clothing hanged and walked in. The place was stocked and a bit dull, dark clothing and gears and gloves, jackets... and a girl who's wings were clipped. Oh mother above! I couldn't take my eyes off the clipped wings, the scars upon them. "Are you looking for something?" A sharp, striking voice asked me and I finally looked up. The stoic expression, the nonchalance and rage were what caught me off guard. I hadn't seen a girl who had felt this familiar. It was almost like I just knew I had found someone who wasn't like the naïve and sweet type. This one wanted to be daring. "Yes. I want a pair of dark leggings and a jacket, maybe even a pair of gloves." She nods her head and walks in some storage kind of place. I study the place when she comes back and places them on the desk in front of me. "Who are you? I have seen a high fae around here." I didn't know what to respond to do that. I didn't know if I was supposed to tell people about being kicked out. I mean why would I tell them that. "I am Nesta Archeron." I meet her gaze, both of our heads not dipping even a tip. My lips curve at that. "You are our High Lady's sister. It's a pleasure." She doesn't bow and I respect that. People here knew me as either the witch, or Feyre's sister. I didn't exactly have my own identity. The realization made me lose interest in what she said next about me trying on the things. "I square my shoulders and taking in the leggings and sweater and jacket reach inside the small room. I locked the door and stood there facing the mirror after I removed my dress and tried on each one. I looked different. Slightly better, as If my weight just looked improved or something like that. I had seen the females here wearing the same type of outfit and I looked weirdly different in my peach gown, not that I care. Just the cold was too much at night to not consider wearing these. I only had a few gold coins left, And I had no more money. I shouted through the room "How much do they cost?"

"3 gold coins." She answers and I sigh with relief. Thankfully I had this much. And I can still fill my stomach with the remaining for atleast a week or so.

I walk out the room in my new attire, my dress discarded somewhere as I managed to adjust in the new boots. I look up when I hear the bell chiming and someone walking in. Hazel eyes meet mine and size me up. Starting with my legs that were now covered in the dark leggings and boot, I had looked in the mirror and I knew what he saw, A different me, perhaps a better me. My upper body covered in cashmere sweater and a jacket in my hand. His eyes then traveled to my chest, my neck up and up my lips, stayed there for a minute until they burned in mine. The gaze so intoxicating that I almost felt like he was undressing me. I stared right back not giving him the satisfaction of knowing how his stare made me feel alive. I was enough embarrassed as Emerie clears her throat. Cassian breaks our contact and gives a smile to Emerie. She smiles back. Their exchange almost had me feeling nauseas. Almost. "Lord Cassian, What can I get you this time?" Lord Cassian. Interesting.

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