Chapter 21

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I can't tell you guys how excited I was to start writing again! And I still have the will to do it cause you guys are still here. Asking for regular updates. I couldn't properly ever thank you all but I mean it when I say,  I am so thankful that you all waited. I won't take your time right now. Read ahead. <3


The days after the the whole fiasco, Everyone went back to the estate, leaving me and Nesta out for these illyrians to feast upon. We weren't given the permission to leave the camp. And Rhys and Feyre had to go back to check up on the keir and his troops. Azriel had disappeared too. The Illyrians were yet to decide what they want to do. I wasn't afraid of what they might say or do. Though the thought of getting off from being the commander, was almost as if been give a life sentence. I am nothing if not General and commander of the night court's armies. I am nothing without my siphons. Or my will, or a purpose.

I was sitting inside one of the tents, me and Nesta were given for the night. She was standing in front of me, her head was away from where I was sitting on a divan looking out of the tent, her body slightly bent as she peeked through the little flap. She could probably see the illyrians outside indulging in their night activities, men firing up the wood, women serving their children food and we?! oh we were just there, existing.
The Illyrians don't negotiate. It was a shock that they relented this time. They just held us hostage. We weren't given food for the night. Not that it bothered me. Even Nesta seemed like she could do without it for tonight. We were too tired to even think if we are hungry.

The tent was small, kind of cocooning us in this chilly weather. It was always cold here on the mountains. Thank cauldron we were wearing leathers.
"Why are we here?!"
Nesta closed the flaps and asked, her hands on her hips and made a pouty face complaining about the same.
"Well you see, they thought we make such a wonderful couple and have been through a lot, a honeymoon phase wouldn't hurt much you see." I said shrugging, not meaning whatever I said.

Nesta rolled her eyes so vast that it felt as if her eye balls would drop out.
"You think this is funny Cassian?!

" No, but I am."

"You are pathetic, you know that?"

" Hmm, never been told that before."

"Well there's always a first time for everything."

"There is. Definitely agreed but you know what I was thinking Nes?! We are probably gonna have to share the divan. First time for everything indeed." I said and relaxed back, patting the space next to me.

She looked over there and made a vulgar face. She turned looking down at the left out space.
"I'll sleep here."

"Like hell you will." I said and jumped of the divan. The tent was so small that with just that one jump I was in her face. She looked up at me her eyes trying hard to give the 'all time there' piercing gaze.

"If I want to sleep on the floor, I damn well will. And I dare you try to stop me." She said adjusting herself on the floor.
"What kind of a gentleman would I be if I let you sleep on the floor?!" I tried to reason.
"One who respects a woman's decision!" She shouted.
"Ahh well Nes, let's not fight here. Take a chill pill and listen to me. The thing is I respect you and especially your body you see and I don't want it to be sore in the morning cause of you sleeping here on this damn cold floor. Take the divan."

"I am not fighting I just want you to leave me alone and let me sleep." She hissed and lowered herself.
"Fine then, scoot over." I lied down next to her. She didn't shift. And so when I adjusted myself. My wings tucked in under me. The claw on it slightly touched her shoulder.
It made her shiver. And she scooted.
I slightly held in my laugh.
"Are you cold?!"
Nesta didn't nod or even shake her head. She just turned her face away from me and pretended to block me out.
I turned at her side. Looking at her back. Her hair were in a braid sliding down her long elegant form and reached her hips. I felt her shiver again and her body slightly stiffened as if she could feel my eyes on her. She didn't turn around tho. I didn't want her to.
And so instead I thought of putting my hand around her waist and pulling her body back to me. I thought of putting my mouth on her neck and whisper a good night or even be able to get to hear a slight 'Mhmm' from her. And maybe get a sniff of her hair that smelled exotic everytime I had had a chance to do so.
But I just thought of doing all that. I closed my hands around my chest and tried to close my eyes. It wasn't exactly a comfortable environment.


I woke up in the middle of the night. There was a storm outside, the winds howling so hard it was hard to close my eyes. My head was gonna give up soon. I slightly opened my eyes and felt him shivering beside me. I didn't realise how cold it had gotten. My whole body had goosebumps. I looked over at Cassian.
His eyes were closed and His body was trying to succumb into a small ball just to feel warm. His eyes were twitching every two seconds. He didn't look okay.
I whispered and tried to shake him up. He didn't open his eyes. I tried again.

His eyes flickered opening ever so slowly, trying to adjust to the little brightness. And then as he saw me. He opened them wider.
"Are you cold?!" I asked and he smiled.
"I am fine." He said but I didn't take it.
"You are not fine, so don't try to be. You are cold." I said matter of fact.
He didn't say anything and sat up. He hung his head down and then moved his hand through his hair.
"I..I don't. I am freighte- no I am just not really comfortable around storms. They make me feel tortured. My body reacts differently to them. Since I was a kid. I have been in the storms, spent every night withering under them. It's a memory/feeling I haven't been able to forget since the last 500 years."
When I didn't say anything he asked.
"I am sorry, did I wake you up?!"
I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat hearing him say that. I couldn't find my voice. I know how that felt, me, Feyre, Elain we all knew how that felt. I didn't show any signs of pity to him knowing he doesn't want me to provide sympathy or any words right now. So I answered his question instead.
"No, no you didn't. I just woke up cause of the same. It's just pretty cold."
I said and my teeth chattered in between.

"C'mere." he said, I stared at him wide open not moving.
"I have any idea. I would have done it earlier but I didn't know if you'd want me to do that."
"Do what?!" I asked.
He didn't classify further.
"C'mere Nes, come closer."
With my mind wary of what he was gonna do or say, I shifted slightly ahead.
"Lie down."
I did as he said. He moved closer and I closed my eyes, thinking of the inevitable. But he just lied down next to me. And then I felt warmth filling me up. It was like having a blanket made of soft cashmere.

That was how soft his wings were.
I sighed in utter satisfaction. It felt wrong
But oh so right. I couldn't complain. This time I didn't want to. I let his wings cover us up. And I shifted closer to him. I didn't open my eyes to see him smiling. But I could feel it in my bones.

He broke one of my walls today. How long till I am left with none?

I will be regular from now on, and will try to update thrice a...week?! I'll give my best. You too please give this story your best. If you liked the chapter give it a LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT down below if you want more of this night in the next chapter too?!

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