Chapter 2

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I felt my cheeks burning again as he flew above the mountain peaks, the cold wind freezing me to death, Cassian's breathing had turned ragged by now, we have been flying since hours. I didn't want to look at him, so I looked down, at the snow covered mountains, The Sidra river flowing from glaciers. Breathtaking. It was getting dark too, the stars already showing up, and we weren't very far. Cassian and I hadn't exchanged a word since we left the estate, except for when he told me that instead of winnowing, he'll fly me there, it was necessary for me to know the reality, the work and not the magic. I didn't have much clothings with me, only four dresses which I won't be needing, and so my bag only contained some toiletries, my boots and my books. Cassian waited down the street, and I didn't turn back to look at my slum house. It didn't have any good memory anyway, not that any house had yet. He didn't warn me before he lift off into the sky, holding me around my waist. And now here we were, silent, lost in our own thoughts, I didn't know why I said what I said to him, and how softly I said that, but when he had his hand wrapped around mine and winnowed us out of there without questioning my motive, or me, like everyone else, I hadn't ever felt this blessed to ever have the feeling of comfort given from him.

With a hand around my waist to hold me tight, Cassian landed swiftly, on the cold barren land. I tried to meet his gaze but he was avoiding me, well, good for him, both of us actually. It was pretty late, The Windhaven camp looked a bit empty, everyone was mostly inside their tents or houses, when a tall broad shouldered man stepped forward and greeted Cassian. "Hasn't been that long since the last time you were here, General? How can I be in help?" His voice was nonchalant, on the verge of dismissal, and of course it didn't seem welcoming. His gaze shifted to me as he took in my attire, I was wearing my routine dress, my cheeks were smudged because of the continuous wind and my braid had loosened. He gave me a little nod but I didn't lower my chin, stayed defiant. His eyes raged at that but he remained silent when Cassian, looked straight at him giving him a death glare. He always thought that all these things went unnoticed by me, but it didn't, it just didn't make a difference. Right? Something, someone behind the warrior, caught Cassian's eyes and he grinned looking at a tall, broad shouldered man approaching us. Lord Devlon. "General, I must say you visiting the camp has frequented in the last few months, what's with the sudden emergence and" He didn't even look at me before saying "that too with this witch." Cassian's fist curled and he snarled before giving him a sly smile. "Watch your mouth, Devlon, If I were you I'd think better before saying such things to the High Lady's sister." Lord Devlon muttered a sorry, saying the next time he won't. Cassian rubbed his hands together, indictaing mischief and said "Good, cause as we are here to stay, You'll definitely have that second chance." Devlon's face paled and so did the other face of that other warrior. Wow, so they didnt even know! He barked. "What?" Cassian gave out a simple shrug, "Yeah, High lord wants to ensure that the practices, the rights—" he fixed his eyes on Devlon's "are given to each and every Illyrian warrior, both male and female. I'll be here to make sure of that for a few months, I don't care if you mind." Without meaning to, he takes my hand and strolls me along. "Leave my hand." I hiss. His grip was too strong. He didn't it entirely but loosened his grip "Sorry."


The room has to be enough for now, I thought and opened it, Nesta peeking inside behind me, It was small, too small, and right now in the middle of the night, The arrangements were impossible to make, Devlon would lose his shit if I asked for any favor from him now that I am gonna stay for a awhile. I again looked back at the bed and then the floor, I strode inside and it got smaller, felt smaller. Nesta stayed outside, she didn't even take a step ahead. The room smelled like a fish market, too gross even for her surely. Nesta's home wasn't exactly a dream house but it was sufficient. This, nope! I can feel her eyes on me, And her gaze is making me sweat. It was hard to tell what it is with us. Harder to tell what she wants. That day on the solstice, when she had neglected the gift and me, she had neglected us too. Whatever it was with us, I was sure had ended that moment I threw the gift in the sidra, until I decided to atleast keep an eye on her until she goes back home. Safe. Until I saw her again the next day, then the other. I couldn't stop. I still can't. I finally glance at her, at her beautiful golden brown hair untamed, her raging blue-grey eyes, her thinner build discounting her full breasts. Lovely. She was lovely. I swallow hard and try to form words. "You can sleep in here." I have no idea where I am gonna go, but it will be a blessing in disguise if we don't have to share a room. She doesn't seem to care as she finally enters and reaches end of the bed, putting over her books. She doesn't say it but I know I am dismissed for now. I walk out and the cold wind whooshes past me, and I shudder, I look ahead at the camp, this very particular camp, where I was left for training. Where I received nothing and everything. I look up at the mountains, and inhale. As I walk alone at night, nostalgia hits me like a tsunami. And the nights when I roamed here and there with nothing to cover me or protect me from the cold, Nothing to eat, Nowhere to go, those brutal lonely nights come rushing back. My natural instinct to always look out for Rhys, Az, anyone made me turn around and I see Nesta watching me closely, She takes a sharp intake of air, as if she was caught and walks towards me, I reign in all my thoughts, and brace my arms folding them around my chest. "Want me to sing you a lullaby, Nes?" Something's definitely wrong with me Nes? Freaking Nes came out of my mouth! She seems equally surprised but then cover it up just like always. "Where are you going?" I can't help but give her a reassuring smile, she isn't scared but she will be a fool to not be. The nights here always look haunted, the stars although quite many, are faded, candles in the lamps on the verge of blowing out, and she doesn't know anyone, no one's going to accept her and she knows that. "I am here, Nesta. I am not going to abandon you here." I stop to look into her, making sure she is too. "Or anywhere. Ever." I can see the lump that formed in her throat, hear the silent whimpering but she doesn't meet my eyes, and without saying a word walks back into the house. I watch her back until she retreats into the room, and the lights are dimmed.

Well it's going to be a sleepless night.


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