Chapter 9

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We both didn't sleep the whole night. It was impossible to. We just kept breathing in the dark, silence enveloping our unshared thoughts. Before the dawn broke out, I flew out of the window, into the morning chillness. I was just admiring the beauty of Sidra when In the mist of the morning fog, I found them, cuddled into the Illyrian wings. I could hear some coddling words, and actual baby voices that sounded weird. Nevertheless, I crooned my greetings "Good morning Feyre."  Rhys, opened up his wings a while later, and Feyre peeked up at me from behind them, her grin matching my own. She was a funny little beautiful thing. And there was this old, boring hunk, glaring at me. I winked at Rhys and his eye roll was a natural. "Good morning Cass!" I moved my eyes back to Feyre as she said that, she was still properly covered and hidden in Rhys' wings, I don't even want to know what they had been doing. As if they knew what I was thinking, Feyre's cheeks reddened. 

I lowered myself trying to whisper slowly so that only she hears, "Did I actually hear baby voices?" Feyre giggled and Rhys groaned. I howled a laugh. "Such a simp!" Rhys growled, "I am not!" Feyre and I shared a look and started laughing. "My illyrian baby." She purred at him and I was finding a spot to puke as I saw Rhys giving in her touch. 

 Nevertheless I chuckled. "You both are batshit crazy! I hope you are aware, you are in the fucking sky, fucking. I am outta here." Rhys' growl echoed throughout the sky, and before he could come after me. I shoot off.  

I was happy for them, they deserved this peace and happiness, and togetherness. My brother was happy, what more can I ask for? I was off to the Mulburry Camp. The new camp, the only camp that was left now, the others were already occupied. Since the last four days, the shifting had squeezed the females out of energy. The males were such insatiable pricks, ordering females to do the work. Me and Az had been helping them out the whole day yesterday. 

 Rhys talked with the other camps, if for some time, they'll take in some of the Windhaven Illyrians females and their kids, till we find a place and Before the camps could say yes or no. The windhavens already declined to dwell in some other camp. Insanity level crossed 100 here. Rhys was spitting fire, at their pride and so called words and history. They didn't budge and it was useless to annoy and even order them. A civil war in middle of world crisis was really out of our handling list. And we knew if the camps start to mix together the dissensions that will arise would be far more worse to control and stop. Cause the threats were increasing, rumors spreading more and more in the camps for starting up the protests against us. True that we've dealt with all this before but this time it was different. In the previous war centuries ago, we weren't the leaders, commanders, rulers. We were like them, ordered by, stationed at. 

This time we were the ones in power, and so they are grumbling, both male and females, they think that we sent them south as a revenge for how they had treated us when we were children. As if we especially placed them on the war front, to get butchered and die. Bullshit. 

War leaves a person drained out of emotions, happened to me in the first war, is happening to me still. But this time, I can't heal, every time I look at any Illyrian, whose limbs are torn, who lost his leg, still has the bruises, wounds, scars. It was like a direct blow to my guts. An unending feeling of guilt, losing, and failing them tugs and haunts at me. This time I fear, I won't be able to heal and  especially not if Nesta, pierces my soul like that. Not that I'll ever complain.

Nesta I chuckle, she was a firework. Loud, terrifying, mesmerizing and magical. I look down at the conifers below, and the alpine region, beautifully nurtured by mother nature. I landed swiftly in between the two mountains that was covering the new place. 

"General." Lord Owen straightened, his hands at his back. "How are things going?" I asked pointing my chin at the haste in front of me. Tents were being built, the sacs of grain and rice being carried, everything was undone. "Bad." I looked at him when he answered defiantly. Tilting my head to the side. "Then make it bearable." 

"Ask that witch to do it. She did it in the first place. Where even is she?" Devlon and three illyrian males came forward, along with Marcus, all of them hissing towards me. The one who spoke was Marcus, The guy that gets on my nerves every freaking time. He was the first one from whom I had earn my clothes after defeating him. I remember knocking his teeth out. He still holds a grude against that. He hisses again and I dismiss him looking at the the other three. The triplets. The only ones in the whole Night court. Babies are rare. And when these three were born, it was like a miracle that everyone came to see and bless. Their father, Rufus,  died in the recent war. In the explosion that had taken place in the sky. After the war when I had tried to speak to them, give my condolences, they had simply shut me out. I couldn't blame them.

 If Nesta hadn't shouted my name. I would have been dead too. I still can't get over the truth. This ugly truth. I wasn't able to save them. I take in a deep intake of breath to calm my senses and said "I swear on Mother, Devlon tell Marcus to shut up, Or i'll be doing it."

One of the triplet spoke before Devlon could reply. "Of course you'd do that, Once a bastard, always a bastard. You think you have power over us?" 

Another one scoffs "Did you forget how you were, walking around, limping with no food and no shelter, you deserved that!"

The last one joined the others "You are a bastard born, this title is something pure, If it weren't for the High Lord, You would have been dead. You would be nothing."  

"Enough!" Devlon shouted and glared at all of them. I am known for my fights, as a kid, teen, adult...I am known for fights, anger, blood, killing, deaths. Lord Of Bloodshed is what they named me and call me. And that is for a goddamn reason. And these brutes know this. I look at their faces, The three of them were staring at Devlon in disbelief. I didn't. Devlon however much of an asshole he is. He plays fair. He was fair with me, Rhysand  and Azriel.  I look at Marcus all the while. It was all his doing. Killing or hurting them is not going to favor the situation. It will cause more hatred towards us. So I just step forward. My grin so bright and full, my eyes hinting at the murderous steps I am taking forward that they shivered in fear. Good. They were newbies. I can smell the rumors and lies they had been forced to accept. This needs to stop. They are manipulating the minds of the young now. My voice was cold as I started 

"Peter, Quinn and Desle. I have known your father since the time you were still crawling. He faught alongside me in the war. In both the Wars. He was a great guy. A warrior. Who helped saved Prythian, with me, and everyone else and I and the whole Prythain would be grateful for that. I knew him as the person he was, starightforward, fun, and loyal, and he was fair.  So,If he didn't discriminate between being born different, why would you? Just because he told you to?" I gut my chin at Marcus. I kept my voice low as I said the next sentence.

"Cause I know that's not how Rufus would have raised his sons. Don't indulge in the gossips around. Listen to yourself. Make him proud. Your home needs you."

The three didn't stop looking at me. The questioning gaze, the hatred was still there, but they soon backed off and went off. Marcus was already gone before I could march at him and beat him to pulp for this. 

It was only me, Lord Devlon and Lord Owen now. I ignored the former and spoke to the latter. "You have someone to train, don't you?" He sighed. "I am not going alone." I looked at him raising my eyebrows. "What? Alone with Nesta Archeron, No thank you. I'd rather fight with you in a dungeon." I hid my snicker and waved him off. "Time is ticking Owen, you need to be back here before the afternoon. You should be on your way now." Devlon looked at me closely. Owen swallowed hard and took off. I was not sure if this would work. I mean knowing Nesta, she would tear his limps off, if he even tried to touch her. She was a ferocious beast sometimes. If things go badly, then.....I try to shook the thought out of my head. Everything will be okay, It will be okay.

I finally centered my gaze to Devlon. "So what were we talking about?" 

"That you should probably go with him." 

I didn't even listen to what he said next and took off into the sky. 

Nesta, here we go again. 

I know, I know! This chapter didn't exactly contain any of  Nesta and Cassian scenes. But this story isn't about one shots. I am actually writing the book, taking in all the characters. I am trying to form a story. The next chapter though I promise would contain Nessian together. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment. Tell me in the comments if you wanna see Nesta train with Lord Owen or Cassian? 

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