Author's Note

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Been a while right? Hello you gorgeous people! Hope you are all keeping safe and healthy and drinking lots of water. 

It's been such an amazing experience writing this fanfic and conversing with so many of you, reading your encouraging comments always made my day. I appreciate all of you. Thank you for 22k + readers. You all are amazing. 

Though I do realise now that I have an apology to present. I wasn't able to keep with the work and studies along the way, to be honest. And so I stopped publishing my work ahead. I am really sorry. 

I am back now, but i still am not keen on continuing as I have started with a story of my own. If you guys liked reading my work. I am hoping you could check the new story too and give your feedback. 

I would be so thankful. Keep safe y'all. Love you guys. X

Fire In The Mountains ( NESSIAN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now