Chapter 12

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First of all, I am so thankful for you guys. I mean it! Thank you for giving this story a read and boosting me up with such great comments and votes. Let's make it 1k, shall we?!!

 What do you think, can we make it? 


New day, fresh start, though honestly I am not looking forward to this day. Nesta was pretty mad at me yesterday, I think she still is. I can bet it was the part where I told her I'll be her protector always. I really don't know. I don't get her, I thought women loved that shit. But with Nesta, I should have known better. I take in a deep breath, and steady myself, why am I even still wandering like this outside of her room, I should just knock and get in. And so I do. No response. I knock again, and I am so not surprised with the utter silence that greets me. I knock harder. 

"Would you give me a minute?" A literal shiver runs down me as I hear her snap. She opens the door and there she is, Looking all annoyed, cranky, fussy, angry and hot. Yeah, she looks like the regular Nesta that I am honored to see everyday. She doesn't even look at me and is already on the patio. "Where's the other guy?" I raise my eyebrow in confusion.  "Lord Owen?" she nods. "I gave him another duty. He gotta train the kids today." Nesta whirls around, 

"I told you--" 

"Yeah I know, that you don't want to train with me, but really I don't give a damn. And you don't have a choice. So, shall we Nes?" I reach out my hand. She gives me a death glare and stares.

 I shrug "You know, I can sweep you off your feet too, if you want." She gawks at me, "You wouldn't dare!" I literally try to hide my amusement, she really thinks that I can't? In long powerful strides my body is touching hers and I just drop to pick her up, she thought I'll pick her bridal style but i go all caveman, and now she is upside down on my my shoulder, literally throwing fists at me. "You pig! Put me down, Now!!!!" Her screams have now turned into shivers as I shoot off into the sky with her like that. I know she can probably see the ground, the everything, I am literally praying she doesn't get sick. I should I have thought about that before. I slow down on my speed so she doesn't feel like that everything is spinning. She isn't fighting me anymore, which makes me more concerned. I try to look her over, but its hard to even turn while flying with her on my shoulder. 

But I can feel her stiff body, she has gone completely still, and that's when I hear. The birds that have surrounded us. I haven't seen these many like ever, all white doves. They are caging us kind of, so I go up high to escape that. The next I know is two eagles crying out at us, I  mean it did sounded like cry of agony. This has never happened here before, we were out of Velaris, and somewhere over the Ramiel, "What exactly is happening?" I whisper and speed up, when I notice the eagles coming near, in a fast and unhealthy manner. Nesta screams at me to stop. So I do. The eagles stopping to. I loosen my grip on her but hold her, as we are still in the freaking sky. My flaps getting torturous by the passing second. Nesta is too focused on the other creature to notice how my wings are feeling like they were scratched or hurt. Nesta reaches out a hand at them, as I see the eagles bowing. They remain like that for a moment and fly off. 

What in the world.........?


I had felt this long before I saw this. The voices of the hundreds of Doves, were clear and in a haze when Cassian had lifted us into the sky. I felt the eagles watching me way before, they came near. It was as if I had called them here. It was crazy. Maybe I am going crazy, I thought and stiffened when i finally saw the white gorgeous doves surrounding us, I was amazed at how i'd sense them, I was still figuring that out when Cassian flew higher, The eagles, I remember them, but i have no clue who they are. They come nearer as i am being taken away. Stop, I say it in my mind and then aloud, louder than it was necessary. The eagles halted. 

        Shrine of death, may the living fear you always, come find us, we are here waiting, we call out to you. Take us home. Oh! Take us with you.

I was hearing things again, but these weren't like before this felt familiar, the voices sounded familiar. And then a sound again barged in my ears.

Reach out to us, bless us, show mercy, Princess of Decay. We await your command. Come rule and discover your identity.

And so without thinking further, I reached out my hand to them, and a glint of power had them bowing, or were they themselves some kind of power, who were they? I look over at Cassian and see him standing still, and completely astonished. This wasn't a dream then for sure. This was real. When I turn my head back, they are gone and everything goes silent again. I am so shocked that I don't even register when we land in the forest. I sit down, as I feel my heart beat running a lot faster and harder. "Are you okay?" Cassian is beside me and I honestly don't know what to say. And I don't want to think about it, Not with him here, assessing my every thought. I push up and snap at him. "Don't you ever, ever pull that stunt again you hear me?" Cassian folds his arms around his chest in so called pride and smirks, "Or what, you will sweep me off my feet too?" I can see the sweat roll down his cheek as I give him a woolfish grin. "More like sweep you off your ass, Cassain." I look at the ground beneath his feet and scratch my nails along it, apparently but now actually touching it. A shudder rolls down the length of the ground on which we are standing and a small piece from Cassian's feet is washed out and turned into pure decay. He lifts his leg and moves forward, falling right on his ass, the smack quite loud to make me shake my head, as he again tries to stand and falls off again. This time I can't control the almost laugh that flows out and Cassian's head snaps up. "Do that again." 

"Do what again?" I ask totally confused.

"That laugh. It was small, barely there but it was there." His eyes are literally pleading me. This is so stupid.  

I shake my head at him and see his siphons shimmering and then helping him stand up. As he finally stands upright. And makes a move to come closer, I hear a groan escape him. He reaches his hand to one of his wings, and I note the scratches at the same time he does. I gulp the lump that forms in my throat, "The birds?" I ask. He nods and holds me by my elbow. "What happened there Nesta? And this,  what you just did, How did you do that?" 

I don't answer him again and move my fingers along the scratches, His voices hitches and I take a step back. They were kind of healing with the help of his siphons. I didn't have the answer to his former question of the bird thing, so I answered for the second. I open my mouth but stop, Can I open up to him? Just like that.?

His eyes penetrate deep into mine, and I know that I can. So, I pick my choice and say. 

"None of your business Cassian, You want me to train, Let's train." 

HAHAHA I love this side of Nesta, such a pretty little fussy thing. And oh, the new powers! And titles! Are you all excited to know more? Comment down below, Vote and share with your friends too! 


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