Chapter 7

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Alex groaned, turning into her pillow. The sunlight burning it's way through her Saturday slumber.

Her sister at the hand of her curtains that were pulled open.

"Allison, someone better be dead" alex warned,

Allison rolled her eyes, "come on, I have to keep an eye on Scott"

Alex sat up, she deadpanned   "You don't have to"

"I can't leave him alone after what happened"

The night prior, Scott McCall thought it to be a good idea to try and fight a pack of alphas, with only 2 betas and a huntress by his side.

"Allison he's not a child, he will heal" Alex tried to convince her.

"What if he doesn't? it's A lot harder to heal when your alpha is dead"

Alex's felt her tired eyes grow larger "what?!" She asked, her voice raising

Allison winced, she turned around remembering that Alex wasn't aware "Alex I'm sorry, I forgot you didn't know"

Alex shoulders fell as she slumped in her bed "Derek is dead" she muttered, a sadness ached in her chest.

Allison sat next to Alex, rubbing her arm gently "I'm sorry, I know you were friends- ish"

Alex rubbed her eyes, still feeling groggy "it's fine. what's the plan?"

"Follow Scott.." Allison mumbled

"Okay" Alex shrugged "what else have I got to do"


Music hummed in Alex's ear, she sat in the back of their car scribbling down notes. Not listening to the girls in the front.

Alex scribbled down the words,

Derek hale
1988 - 2010

Her mind was consumed by the death of Derek hale. Not that Derek would ever say it but she considered him a friend, especially after all the help he gave her when he found out what Alex was capable of and now he was just gone.

Alex was left with the burden of his death, unsure of what to really feel.

"Hey!" Lydia waved,

Alex pulled out her earbuds "what?"

"Where, where you when all this happened?" Lydia asked.

"Trying and failing to have sex" Alex shrugged,

"me and stiles were so close before his father walked in with Chinese. Spent the rest of the night with the sheriff. You know I just want one night when sister and dads and depressed freaking werewolves don't get in the way" she ranted

Alex sighed, staring at the gas meter  "your plan it out of gas"

"What?" Allison asked, her eyes darting to the gas meter.

"You're running on fumes" Lydia pointed

Allison groaned.

"Yeah. And I'm pretty sure that bus holds a lot more gas than this Toyota" Lydia added

"What if we stop?" Allison asked

"Is it really that big of a deal? I mean, so we lose them. We know where they're headed" Lydia reasoned

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