Chapter 27

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"Tell me what?" Stiles asked

Alex sighed "I seen it. When I kissed you In the hospital I seen the nigutsine take over. I was healing you but you didn't know and now everytime something is going to happen I can feel it because I took some of what was in you." She explained

Stiles glanced town, feeling guilty that some of
His curse was now brought upon his girlfriend "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked

"Because I didn't know how to and then you disappeared for two days and then all of sudden you were in here" she defended herself   "I'm sorry, I know I should have but I just.. I didn't know how and I didn't wanna believe it"

"It's okay" he nodded

He understood her reasons behind her lie. He'd do the same if the shoe were on the other foot, but it wasn't and there was nothing to be done, so being mad would just take up time he didn't have. He wanted every moment he could get with Alex.

She walked over to him and took his hands in hers. Glancing up at him she smiled "I love you"

Stiles looked down at her hands and noticed her veins changing color. He quickly pulled away,
Backing away a little.

Alex felt her heart ache at the sudden realization that she couldn't even hold her boyfriends hand in the time he needed most.

Staring up at him, she noticed the black lines shooting in his neck "What's all over your neck?"

Morrell lifted his shirt and examined it "It's called a Lichtenberg figure. They appear on lightning strike victims. The fact that they're appearing on you after a shot of Wolf Lichen is both significant and strange." She explained

"By significant and strange do you mean hopeful and optimistic?" He asked hopefully

"When the marks fade, the Nogitsune's grip over you will return." She bared the bad news. She walked over to a cabinet and took out some pills. She closed it and handed them to him.

He looked at the bottle in his hand "What are these? Sleeping pills?" Stiles asked

She shook her head "Amphetamines. Sleeping is exactly what you don't want to do. You're vulnerable when you're asleep." She warned him

"So all I have to do is stay awake?" He asked

"For now. If your friends haven't figured out something by the time those marks are gone, I'll come find you." She explained

"To do what?" Alex asked

"To tell me what to do?" Stiles asked

"No, to give you an injection. Pancuronium Bromide. It causes respiratory paralysis." She answered them both

"That sounds a lot like death." Stiles told her

"It's used for lethal injection, yes."

Alex eyes widened. Her brows met at the middle "Wha- you're gonna kill him?" She asked

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