Chapter 25

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Two days had passed since the disappearance of stiles and the fatal injuries that had been left behind.

Alex had spent most of those days staring at her phone waiting for any type of sign that stiles was in fact alive. She couldn't stomach the thought of him truly being dead.

Due to her stress and worry, she also hadn't slept much. Which made it easier to stay with her sister in the hospital, waiting for someone to find some sense that Isaac had no blood family left, the only family he had was his pack but according to every doctor Allison has asked, it wasn't enough.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked her sister. She knew more then well that when Alex responded with "fine" she was in fact not. Nothing about this situation would ever be fine

"What?" Alex asked

Allison looked at her sister softly "Alex stiles has been gone for two days. He's your boyfriend and you love him, please don't put on a brave face for me.."

Alex let out a shaky breath "I'm really worried it's been two days, he never disappears"

She shook her head "I'm suppose to be comforting you"

Alex couldn't help but feel as if she wasn't spending enough time with her sister since they got back. She was always with stiles or Scott, she never wanted Allison to feel as a second choices.

"What's going on?" She asked

Alex let out a small cry, "I feel like I'm always choosing someone over you. Like I'm never with you anymore" she explained

"Alex" Allison smiled. She'd admit her sisters worried were rather odd but giving the circumstances and what happened in the last year, it was understood that Alex was worried

"You are my sister and love you so so much but we don't have to be together all then time. You have to remember stiles and Scott are just as much your family as I am" she reassured her

Alex seem a nurse, she quickly stood up "excuse me. Is there any chance we can see our friend Isaac Lahey. He has no family"

"I'm sorry, we can't let anyone that isn't family in"

You aren't listening, he's an orphan. Both his parents are dead, We are the only ones here" Alex argued,

"I understand, but we can not let you in without-..

"He has no family!" Alex yelled, "god are deaf or just ignorant. Check his file, you'll find his parents under deceased"

"Ms, if you continue with that tone I will have you removed"

Alex scoffed, "unbelievable. You are actually unbelievable. First you someone manage to lose a teenage boy from an MRI machine and now you are refusing Isaac the only people he has to see him."

"Like I said-..

"You know what, you can say that to my-...

"Oh woah" Melissa stepped in, "what's going on"

"She's being extremely rude"

"Okay, I'm sorry but she's been through a lot. It won't happen again" Melissa assured, the other nurse nodded and walked away.

"Have you been here all night?" Scott asked Allison

She nodded "Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family. I told them he doesn't have any."

"He's got us." Melissa nodded "And I've got a key card."

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