Chapter 35

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Alex parked her car just outside the school. With a knife in her hand and a want for vengeance flowing through her veins, she walked towards the school. She wanted it dead, she didn't care who she had to take out in the progress.

She pushed open the doors of the school and charged in.

"Divine move. Divine move. You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni. But me?" Me? I'm a thousand years old. You can't kill me" she watched as void stiles yelled at Lydia, who was holding up regular stiles.

"You are already dead!" Alex yelled.

Lydia looked back at the girl. Slightly relieved to see her. She shot her head forward back to void  "we can change you" lydia told him

"What?" He asked

"You forgot about the scroll" stiles reminded him of the one weapon that he didn't obtain.

"Change the host" Void muttered

"You can't be a fox and a wolf"  stiles smirked

Scott grabbed his arm from behind. Baring his fangs into voids shoulder. He let out loud painful cries as his body tried to work out how to get him through the impossible

Alex bared her knife, bringing her hand back she flung it forward releasing her grip on the knife. It flew through the air and like a dart to a board, it hit the bullseye.. his heart. She let out a small breath and walked towards that spirit who took her boyfriends sanity and her sister life "you were just the host" she breathed

Void stiles began to gasp for air as his lungs closed in. He landed on his knees, continuing to choke for air, a fly flew from his mouth. It fluttered around before being snatched away in a wooden box. Isaac lahey stood holding the box that kept the spirit captive forever.

Like glass, Void stiles began to crack into pieces until he hit the ground and shattered into a cloud of dust.

Alex watched his soul was dispersed into a cloud of dust. She was expecting a feeling of relief, to feel as if "finally it's over" but as she stood and watched him die, all she could do was think of the life he took with him. The one life she had cherished the most.

Alexfinally came too as she heard a gasp from lydias mouth. As she zoned back in she seen stiles body laying limp on the ground.

"Oh god" she whispered.

Rushing over she kneeled down beside him "stiles, stiles come on" she shook him lightly

"I think he just passed out" the banshee tried to reassure her best friend

Stiles eyes fluttered open, he felt embarrassment wash over him as all his friends stood over him with worried expression. He sighed "Oh, God, I fainted, didn't I?" Stiles asked

They all nodded with relief

"We're alive. We all alive?" Stiles asked

Alex blinked dryly as he asked what seemed like an innocent, simple question. Yet all she could think was, they were not all alive. Not Allison

"Yeah. We're okay" Scott nodded. He too felt the sting of the question, his mind flashing back to the death of his first love.

Alex let go of stiles hand. She stood up and stumbled back.

They all looked at her, worried about what was said.

"I have to go" she mumbled


Her breath hitched "Not everyone.... not everyone is..".

"Sorry" she apologized. She turned on her heals and ran down the hallway. Pushing through the double doors, she ran to her car.

She came to a sudden stop when she heard the small cries of a familiar voice.

Following the sound she reached the top of the steps. She froze still as she seen aiden with a sword embedded in his chest, his brother beside him whimpering his final goodbyes.

The sound of lydias heals clicking against the hard concrete echoed in Alex's ears. Lydia came to a quick stop as she seen what Alex had seen.

It was in that moment Alex could feel her legs become weak.  Just as she wanted to fall, she felt her body get pulled into someone's arms. Immediately she recognized the scent of stiles, she buried her head into his chest and let out painful sobs.


As Alex stepped foot into her apartment, she felt her heart shatter for what felt like the millionth time that day.

She walked slowly down the hall and towards her sisters room. She sat on her bed and looked around, It was still a mess from the events of yesterday. The chains scattered on the floor and her blankets in a bundle.

Today had been quite possibly the worst day of Alex argents life. She never imagined in all her life she Would be forced to bare such a loss. To live the rest of her life without her sister, to go from "Allison and Alex" to just Alex.

She was just Alex and that's what broke her. She took Advantage of the idea that she would never lose her sister, but in a world like theirs it's never guaranteed who lives and who dies.

Chris walked into his deceased daughters bedroom. He seen Alex and sat down beside her, he couldn't imagine how she felt right now. Through everything his two daughters always had each other but now there was just one. One girl who would never recover from such a pain

Alex let out a sob "How am I suppose to live without her? She's my best friend.. I-I don't know how to be me with out her"

Her breath becoming hitched, she continued to cry "I-I can't do this I-I can't breath I-.."

"Breath Alex." Christ told his daughter calmly

He didn't know why he was telling her that. How could she possibly breath in a moment like this, a moment when it finally sets in that the person they lost would never be coming back

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Hey" he angled her head head upward "It will be okay. This will get easier. I promise" he

"It hurts" she sniffled "and I.. I can't take my own pain"

He nodded "I know. You are just gonna have to heal naturally"

"I don't know how to" she whispered

"You'll learn, but you've always got me" he pulled her into a hug. Alex melted into his arms.

Both have lost the same in the last year, It was now just him and her. Two against the world.



So there is one more chapter after this and then season three is officially over!!

But I can not wait for season 4. I've already started to write it but it's coming along quite slow because I've gotten myself into a no writing slump. But don't worry because once I have a reason to be updating it actually helps me write

Hope you enjoyed

Have an amazing morning/ afternoon/ evening/ day

Thanks for being here. Not just now but always. You are doing great. You are loved and you are beautiful


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