Chapter 16

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Alex took her hands from the cold water and watched as her favorite people in the world floated lifelessly in pools of water

"Hey.. eh, how long does this take?" Alex asked

"As long as it needs to" deaton replied

Alex nodded, she exhaled a shaky breath. Sitting down at the nearest seat.

"Alex, you should go home. Get some rest, you are still recovering" Lydia told her

She shook her head "I'm not leaving them, what if something happens"

"I'll call you" Lydia reassured her best friend "Alex you need sleep, you've been running on adrenaline for 2 days and it's about to run out"

Lydia turned and faced the beta "in fact the both of you have" she pointed "you both need sleep"

"I'm good here, Dereks pretty occupied with Cora right now and I don't have a key to Scott's" Isaac explained

"Go with Alex" Lydia told him "she shouldn't be alone right now, she took a lot of pain from Jennifer"

Alex looked at Lydia, unsure "Lydia. Isaac and I have never spent more then 5 minutes alone"

"Well now is your chance. I won't tell you again, it's been a long 2 days. I'll stay here and call as soon as anything happens. You two go get some fresh clothes and some sleep" she told them firmly.

Lydia had managed to get some sleep in the last 2 days. She wasn't too worried about herself. More worried that their adrenaline was about to run out.


Not wanting to argue further with Lydia, Isaac and Alex made their way to her home. She unlocked the apartment door and walked in, Isaac followed behind awkwardly.

Alex threw her keys into the bowl on the table at the door, she walked down the hall to the open room

"I can see if my dad has any old clothes for you?" Alex offered "I don't know if you wanna shower or anything, but I've been in these clothes for way too long"

"I could use a fresh shirt and a shower" he added "I haven't been to Scott's house since Melissa was taken. If felt out of place"

"Sure thing, just go ahead and shower. I'll leave a shirt in my dads room" Alex nodded

Isaac walked into the bathroom and ran the shower, Alex walked into her room and pulled out some clothes. She threw them onto her bed to change into.

She walked into her dads room and opened his closet, routing around for something suitable for Isaac, she found an old shirt that looked his style and laid it onto his bed. She closed the closet and walked back to her own room.

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