Chapter 12

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Alex's eyes opened slowly and she was met with the stinging wound on her forehead.  she tried to lift her hands but seen they were taped down to the arms of the chairs. As her legs jolted, she felt the tape restraining them.

Jennifer Blake walked over to the girl she had taken captive. "I know what you are. I know what you can do"

"How?" Alex mumbled, still coming around.

"Derek told me all about you and Scott. He said no one knew what you were, only what you could do"

"you can heal anything" she smiled

Alex thought of what to say. She had to speak with caution, anything could trigger the maniac English teacher.

"Why didn't you take me before. when you were taking healers?" She asked

She smirked with raised brows "Because Alex.. I don't want to sacrifice you.. I just want to use you" 

Jennifer slipped her hands under her students. She looked down and seen Alex's vein turn dark as they took the pain from her body.

It was mere seconds before Alex felt the pain that Jennifer Blake bared, she refused to close her eyes and see the monster that laid below that nice teacher facade.

"Close you eyes!" She yelled  "See my pain"

"No!" Alex yelled

Lydia walked down the hallway after receiving a text from Aiden. She stopped a few doors down from where Alex was, hearing the familiar sound of her voice.

Alex heard the clicking of her best friends heal come closer to the classroom "Alex" Lydia called out

Alex looked at Jennifer with wide eyes "what did you do?"

The clicking of her heals became louder and she was led closer to her doom

*click clack click clack*

"Onomatopoeia" ms Blake whispered "when something makes a *boom* or *smack* sound" she explained

She shrugged "or in your case a *click clack click clack*

Jennifer walked over to the desk and grabbed the item she had used on Alex. Lydia turned towards her door, Alex couldn't get the chance to warm her before she was already rendered unconscious.

Jennifer dragged lydias limp body into the classroom. She let her fall against another chair beside Alex.

"Please don't hurt her" Alex whimpered "she's innocent"

Jennifer shook her head as she taped down Lydias arms and legs just as she did with Alex "She knows you know, She doesn't know it yet, but she has managed to find nearly every body" 

"We all did" Alex spoke, her voice shaking with fear. She wasn't scared for herself. If it came to the worst for her she could heal, if it came to worst for Lydia and Alex still remained tied down. Lydia may not survive "We aren't new to this you know"

She scoffed "you don't think I know that? what was it you said?"

"Ah" she remembered "She stood and watched the slimy skinned lizard like man  climb the walls of the abandoned building they had taken him to.  There last option was to kill him, kill an innocent soul whom had fell victim of the messed up world that the teenagers had been forced into."

She nodded "Derek told me all about it, the werewolves, the kanima. The poor popular lacrosse player losing everyone because his thirst for power came back and bit him in the ass"

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