Chapter 31

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Alex walked into the living room, she came to a quick stop when she seen stiles laying on the couch. Tape covered his mouth and he was paralyzed still, just as she was.

She glanced down. Not wanting to look at him for much longer, she'd start to see him. See stiles, but this wasn't him, it was void. It was evil. It was someone who didn't deserve to take over a soul as innocent as his, and she knew that yet all she wanted was to hug him. Take in his scent, feel him once again. She wanted stiles so she was going to get stiles

She slowly walked over, she stood in front of him and pulled the tape off his lips. He let out a breath and looked up at her with cold empty eyes. Eyes Alex didn't recognize anymore,  they weren't the warm hazel eyes she had grown to love.

"Alex?" He questioned. Sounding so fragile, so scared. So innocent

Alex smiled a little "yeah"

Stiles soft smile turned to a sinister grin as void took over "so your the one he's always thinking about?"

"Oh please don't hurt her. Please don't touch her" He mocked the sound of stiles voice

He chuckled "what are you gonna do, you think you can heal him?" He asked

"You are weak just like the rest, I flash the soft smile and you assume stiles is suddenly back" he spat

He cocked his head forward "He's not coming back" he whispered

It was in that very moment Alex realized it was no longer stiles. Unless saved it would never be stiles again. If she wanted to survive this she would have to treat him as if he were someone else, he was the enemy, he just so happened to look like stiles.

Alex gripped onto voids wrists and leaned on them tightly, she stood over the body that looked like her boyfriends but held the spirit of an evil creature "you think I wanna save you? oh no, I wanna save stiles, you are a sad spirit who has to embody someone else just to live" she spoke eerily. She kneeled down and grabbed his hands "I'm saving the guy I love. You just happen to look like him"

This wasn't stiles and she was going to fix that.

She took in a breath and moved her hands from his wrist to his hands. She closed her eyes and prepared herself for a pain she had never imagined to experience.

She began to feel it. It started off slow but the hit her hard. She could feel the demon, she felt the same pain she felt at the hospital

She began to see it all again. she seen what happened at the hospital. At the school. At the police station. She seen all the times void took over.

She seen it in eichen. Oliver was ready to drill a hole into her head and that's when stiles really let him in. He let void in once and for all to save her.

She felt the pain of everything run through her. It ran into her blood like water, all the times void took power. She felt it like she had felt nothing before.

She let out small whimpers of pain. Everyone watching cautiously, ready to jump in at any moment.

She couldn't bare the pain, but she had to. She wanted stiles, she wanted her sweet loving boyfriend back. 

She seen the oni over and over, each time the pain became a little stronger. She could feel her body ready to give up, it was slowly becoming drained but she didn't care. She was determined to make him better.

As they all stood watching the healer take everything she could. Melissa noticed the blood trickle down her nose "Scott" she pointed

Scott too noticed the blood drip from her nose "that's enough" he walked over and pulled her hand away from stiles

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