Chapter 28

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24 hours had gone by and no one was any closer to finding out where stiles had gone. Alex had spent the majority of those 24 hours wondering where he could be, was he safe? Was he warm? Was he okay?.

All these thoughts that she never expected to have about stiles were suddenly all she could think. Deep down she was worried that he would hurt someone and that was definitely something she never thought she think about stiles

Alex Has spent most of the night with her sister. Allison was the only person who could begin to distract Alex.

Alex laid along the bottom of her sister bed. Writing down notes on what was happened, Scribbling ideas to sooth her wondering mind.

She dropped the pen and looked at her sister
"Stiles is gonna be okay right" Alex asked

Allison sighed. She truly did not how to answer that question, she wanted nothing more then to answer yes but she couldn't give an answer she wasn't 100% on "I don't know" she admitted "but I do know Scott will do everything he can to make sure he is" she added, hoping to reassure her worried sister

"I wish I could just heal him" Alex huffed. Right now she was getting told left right and center that healing him was not on the table. They would do everything humanly possible before even considering the girls powers

"Alex you know that's not an option. You could get seriously hurt" Allison warned

"I know" Alex nodded
She groaned "what happened to no supernatural?"

Allison scoffed "this town is never quiet"

Her phone buzzed against her sheets, she picked it up and looked at new messages

Dad -
Oh my way, find as many non lethal weapons as possible.

She looked up at Alex "dad needs us to find the most non lethal weapons we have come on"

She stood from the bed almost instantly, as she stood straight she glanced at her sister "non lethal?" She asked.

Allison nodded.

"They have a plan" she breathed

"I told you we will figure it out"

The two of them began to scour the apartment to gather up all weapons they had that were deemed non lethal. Which in a family like theirs, there wasn't many.

After finding all they could. They laid it out on the desk In their dads office. It ranged from rope to tasers.

"Wow" Alex sighed "they're gonna kill him"

"No they won't" Allison shook her head

Chris Noah and Derek walked into the office, greeting the girls with nods.

"This is everything non-lethal we could find" Allison pointed to the desk

"Take all of it" Chris nodded

Allison grabbed the bag on the table and began to pack it all up.

"What's the plan here?" Noah asked

"Our best shot right now is for Derek to try to pick up Stiles' scent at Eichen House. Especially if he went through something stressful there." He  explained

"Should all five of us be going to the same place?" Noah  asked

"Where else has Stiles been showing up?" Chris asked his daughter

𝙎𝘼𝘾𝙍𝙄𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙀𝙎  // 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨𝙠Where stories live. Discover now