Chapter 32

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Alex's eyes shot open with a gasp escaping her mouth. Her reflexes kicked in as she tried jump from the bed only to be winded by the restrains that held her down.

She glanced over and noticed Scott was beside her. This making her feel somewhat relieved.

Scott grunted as he tried to tug loose from the restrains. Alex watched unamused "Scott you're a werewolf" She reminded him painfully

"We're in Stiles's head."

Alex sighed "Yeah And you're a supernatural creature with supernatural strength and you're An alpha." She explained "Break free." 

Scott closed his eyes and focused all his strength towards his arm. He forced it upwards and in a mater of seconds the leather restrain was tearing apart. His arm flung slightly as the restrain broke apart. He let out a few breaths as it took more then expected out of him.

He stood from the bed and walked to Alex. Taking her restrains he pulled them apart almost instantly. She guessed it was a lot easier to break someone else's them trying to break his own.

Alex felt relief as she rubbed her slightly red wrists. She sat up and stood from the bed.

"What now?" He asked. Looking toward the healing girl for an answer.

She noticed his eyes on her "Wha- what makes you think I know?" She asked

"Don't you end up in peoples minds when you heal them?" He asked.

"Not like this" she shook her head

" Just stay behind me." He directed.

He walked forward and Alex stood behind him as he told her do So. He opened the door and walked out, just as Alex was about to follow it slammed in her face.

She pulled the handle but it was locked from the outside "Hey!" She yelled banging her small fists against the door "Scott? Scott!"  She yelled out for her best friend

Soon realizing it was doing no good. She took her hands away from the door and tried her hardest to stay as calm as possible.

"I'm here" a whisper filled the room

Alex spun around. Her breath hitched as she seen her mother standing just a few feet away from her, a smile spread across her face. She ran towards her mother and wrapped her arms around her waist "mom" she exhaled, feeling pure happiness in the moment .

"I'm here" stiles voice emerged.

Alex quickly pulled away and looked up "Stiles?"  She questioned

"I'm here"  he smiled.

He cuffed his hands around Alex face. Leaning in he grazed his lips upon hers. Somehow in the moment Alex had forgotten it was all an illusion of stiles mind, so in that moment she kissed him back.

She pulled away and jumped back letting a small squeak as she seen the true nogitsune stand in front of her. He looked exactly like the soldier she had found in the basement, wrapped head to toe in bandages, even under his uniform. The only thing she could see was his mouth, his lips dry and behind them were teeth. Teeth that looked as though they were shaved into pointed blades.

"I'm here" he spoke slowly.

Alex's breath loud and uneven, she slowly backed
Up against the wooden door

"I'm in you" he continued "You thought you could heal me" he asked.

His lips curved to an evil sinister smile. He got closer to Alex, placing his hand against the door above her shoulder

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