Chapter 18 (3B)

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Start of season 3 b

Days had passed since the three teenagers where embedded in their own deaths for 16 hours. Each one now feeling all the things the veterinarian said they would.

Alex had stayed in stiles the previous night before, she was awoken in the middle of night by the screams of her boyfriend. His father had rushed in as Alex tried to calm him.

Alex was pulled away, the bleeding screams from her boyfriend wringing in her ears, his body jerked in the bed. Along with the cries he roared.

"Stiles, stiles" she called out to the scared boy

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding his shaking Body as he cried into her arms.

Her eyes full with concern, she tried to calm him.

Noah rushed into his sons room after hearing what sounded like screams of bloody murder "what happened?" He asked, rushing to his sons beside

"I don't know" Alex shook her head, she continued to comforted stiles, who was now griping onto her arms for dear life "he just woke up screaming" she whispered

Morning had came and Alex walked into stiles room after getting ready for school "how you feeling?" She asked

Stiles slumped in his chair "it was a nightmare" he replied "you were in it"

"Really?" She asked "did I do anything?"

"No, no" he shook his head "I woke up and you were in my bed, and I looked over and seen the door was open, you kept telling me not to check" he explained "it was like a dream inside a dream, I thought I woke up and went to school and then all of a sudden

"Aw" she pouted, she wrapped her arms around him from behind  "hopefully it's just one bad night"

"Yeah" he nodded


Alex stood inbetween Scott and stiles as they talked about the effects they have been having since they "died"

Alex felt nothing but sympathy for them, she couldn't even begin to imagine how They felt.

She noticed Lydia walking over to them with a very distressed looking huntress beside her.

"What happened?" Alex asked, rushing over to the two

"Allison said she seen Kate" Lydia sighed

"What!" Alex almost yelled "are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay" she nodded "i remember walking into the elevator to leave the building and I ended up here" she explained

"Well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one"
Lydia sighed.

"We're not crazy" Allison disagreed

"Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis?. Yeah, you guys are fine." She nodded

Alex glared "lydia there are times for sarcasm and this is not one of these" she almost snapped at her

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