Chapter 17

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16 hours had passed and still they lay in the water, there bodies floating as their minds wondered.

Alex and Isaac had come back about an hour after Lydia had sent them away, both now a little closer.

Alex was sat on the same chair all night, staring in at the tubs wishing to just pull them out of there. She couldn't stand the sight of it, just them floating as if they were apples waiting to be bobbed.

She had tried to write it away all night. She would write a few sentences then look up and see them.

At one point she had just written exactly how she felt
She watched as her mind wondered to a land of darkness. As she pictured herself stood at her best friends funeral all because one plan had failed in a way the others had not.

She looked up from her notepad, she chewed on the end of the pen anxiously.  Everyday this world gave her new ideas to write about, every day she became closer and closer to completing a book on her life that people would believe is fiction.

Lydia walked over to her best friend and sat down beside her. She took Alex's hand and squeezed it.

Alex looked at Lydia with eyes glistened with tears "it's been too long, they should be awake"

"I have to go to the bathroom, splash some water on my face" Alex sighed. She stood up and walked into the small bathroom at the end of the room.

She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed how her face screamed for sleep. The bags under eyes were deep, they were tinted with a shade of purple. Her eyes drooped down continuing to fight to stay open. Her body was aching and her mind was praying for even just an hour of shut eye.

Her head dropped for a second, it perked back up as she heard the loud gasps of her best friends. She pulled the door open and walked out  out of the bathroom and seen the three of them climbing out of the tubs

"Oh thank god" she exhaled the breath she had been holding all night.

She rushed over to Allison, not caring about how wet she was. Alex wrapped her arms around her. Allison squeezed back Just as tight, thanking god she woke up.

Alex let her sister free if her grip. She walked to stiles and before she got a chance to say anything, she felt him pull her body to his and he kissed her passionately.

He kissed her as if he would  never kiss her again

"I don't mean to break this reunion up but we are in a clock here" Isaac reminded them

Alex nodded and stepped away from stiles.

"I saw it. I know where it is" Scott spoke

"We passed it. There's-- There's a stump, this huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down. But it's still big, though, very big" Stiles explained

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