Chapter 33

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Alex awoke minutes later, but it was minutes to late. Disaster ensued second after her body fell limp.

Lydia was gone, as was void. Taken with a gust of wind; barely leaving a trace.

Stiles was here, but everyone was cautious around him. They were tricked far too many times to believe that it could be him.

"I wanna see him" Alex protested,

"My mom is checking him out. Please just sit down" Scott pleaded.

"No!" Alex snapped, she sighed after "Scott, I will know who it is, I will feel it in my bones. I'm the only one who isn't scared of him right now and he needs me"

"Okay" Scott conceded,

Alex followed Scott up the stairs, she really hoped it was stiles, and if it wasn't she hoped she would know.

She walked into his room, stiles was laying on his bed. Melissa was perched on the edge, she too looked fearful of the boy.

Melissa stood up, Alex took her spot next to stiles.

"Can you give us a minute please" Alex asked,

They both nodded, knowing Alex was more than capable of anything happened.

"Hi" he mumbled.

Alex brought her hand to his cheek, she looked into his warm Hazel eyes and finally she seen his soul behind them.

"Look at them eyes" Alex whispered, she traced his face with her eyes. "your sweet warm eyes"

Stiles blinked a tear, for the first time in a long time he didn't hear the voice threatening to hurt her.

"It's me?" Stiles murmured.

"It's you baby" Alex nodded, stroking back some hair.

His lip quivered, "I'm so sorry. I hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you"

Alex reached for his hand, stiles pulled it back.

"I'm not scared of you" Alex said, taking his hand.

"We do not apologise for the things we can't control, you didn't ask for any of this and I know it was never behind those eyes." Alex reassured.

"Besides" she squeezed his hand, smiling a little "I think I threatened death upon you at least three times"

Stiles stifled, everything was messy, everything but her.

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