Chapter 11

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Alex had spent most of yesterday in Dereks loft with stiles, she learned more about Derek and why he had blue eyes before he was an alpha. It had turned out that Deucalion had been around a long time before they had and so have hunters. 

Derek had a high school sweetheart, Paige who he was forced the bite when she was injured and almost dying, but her body rejected it and she died, resulting in the murderous blue eyes of an omega.

Derek hale had lost his first love. It seemed to open more doors about understanding him.

Allison however, spent the day with Gerard - not willingly - but he had stories they needed to hear.

Alex just couldn't bare facing him. Not without wanting to kill him.

Alex walked into her sisters room, "You don't mind me going to school today do you?"

She shook her head "no, dad will Just get suspicious"

Allison had a plan. A plan to go to the next place that was marked on their fathers map and try to discover what it was that he was doing.

They both hoped he wasn't the one killing people, he had seemed to be genuinely changing and if it was all just an act it would break them. Especially Alex

Alex nodded "alright, I'm gonna go but call me if you find anything"

Alex walked out of Alison's room, bumping into her father.

"I was just going to check on her"

"She's just feeling under the weather, with everything that is happening" Alex told him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, noticing she was dressed.

"School. Sitting around and thinking about it all.. it's just making things worse in my head" Alex admitted.

"Okay" he nodded,

Alex could feel her stomach heave for an ounce of attention. She couldn't understand why he would not talk to her.

"Dad" Alex called,


"Ask me if I'm okay"

He looked confused "What?"

"Ask me. If I'm okay" Alex repeated.

"Alex, I really don't have time-..

"You know what, just forget it" Alex muttered, she walked past him. Not daring to let him see the tears that threatened her eyes.

Chris followed her, catching her as she waited for the elevator.

"Alex, what's going on"

Alex faced him, "Boyd is dead. I seen his dead body and I watched Derek for the first time since I've know him, shut down. I almost watched Scott kill himself and you don't ever ask how I am"

"What do you mean?"

"This was was suppose to be a fresh start. You were suppose to be different, we were suppose to different" Alex vented.

"It is different, I promise it is" Chris said, hope in his eyes.

"Are you scared of me?" Alex asked.

"What?" His brows arched, "of course not. Wbu would you think that"

"Because!.. because, you are tracking Allisons every move like she's gonna drive off a cliff. You are offering her time of school, constantly checking on her. Always reassuring her, but you will barely look at me dad, so you re either afraid of what I'll say or do now or you just.."

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