Chapter 34

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Alex sat on the ground beside her deceased sister, she held her hand tightly whimpering quietly "Come on ally. Please... please wake up"

"I need you to say it" Chris ordered to the alpha

"They.. they had a knife" Scott McCall stammered

It had been just 15 minutes since Allison was killed. Scott was still trying to process what had happened, feeling as if it was all a hazy dream, but regardless Chris argent had to tell the teenagers what to say in order to keep the supernatural a secret .

"You think. You think they had a knife" he corrected

Tears burned Alex's eyes, she felt more fall down her face "Allison" She whispered "Ally please.. please wake up"

Alex closed her eyes and took in some deep breaths, she hoped with all her being that she would open them and this would have been some sick nightmare.

She felt of a pair of hands on her shoulders. Her body flinching slightly from the touch, She looked behind her and her father held her

"Sweetie. We have to go" he spoke calmly.

He too was hurting right now, but he couldn't imagine what Alex was feeling. To lose not Just her twin sister but her best friend In one night would be a pain that never leaves a person.

"I- I can't leave her" Alex shook her head

"We have to go Alex. We have to leave"


Losing so many people in the last year, Alex thought she would have become used to the feeling. After she watched Kate die she was confused on how to feel, Kate wanted her dead but before that, before the wolves Kate was her fun aunt. The aunt that would sneak her in past curfew or defend her against anyone.

With her mother she felt the same conflict, she also felt confused. Confused as to why her mother would protect her from the truths of her Family but wanted to kill a boy the same age with the same burdened story. Not feeling it at first, whilst away she did take time to grieve the loss of her mother because regardless of the situation, she was Alex's mother and even if Alex was mad she still loved her.

Those were different to what she was feeling now, because through those confusing emotional loses she had Allison. She had her sister to tell her it was okay to feel so conflicted, but now.. now she had to bare the worse loss of her life alone.

Watching her sister die in front of her.. because of her was the worst pain Alex had ever experienced. In all the pain she had endured, not just her own but pain she has taken. This one would never compare. Her entire world was crumbling and the one person who would help pick up the pieces is dead.

They all sat in the small sherif station, mouths gaped open slightly to force their lungs to breath the air they didn't have the energy to.

Alex sat in between lydia and Scott, she could feel lydias urge to scream and Scott's urge to break. Not a word was spoken, none of them could even muster a sigh. They all hurt too much.

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