Chapter 13

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Alex stood in the hallway of the school being checked out by an emt. A light was shone in her eyes and she followed the directed the lady pointed.

She had woken up seconds after ms Blake disappeared, reassuring stiles that was fine.

Admittedly, from the second she woke up; she had felt painfully nauseous. But she had to be sure stiles would leave with Scott. Lying was the only way he would leave.

Alex looked away from he light, it was becoming too much for her head. Which was pounding

"Is that causing you pain?" The woman asked

Alex nodded, "just a little. But that will happen when you are knocked unconscious. Twice"

"How's she doing?" Chris asked, having barely left her side.

"She's got a concussion. So I can take her with me but with the storm she'd be waiting in the emergency room for most of the night. Or you can take her home, make sure she doesn't sleep for at least three hours and I can give her some medication. If she still feels out of sorts in a day, you bring her in"

"I'll bring her home" Chris nodded.

The woman nodded, she took her enough to last Alex the next 48 hours. Alex waited till she was far enough away, before she protested.

"I'm not going home. I can help" she protested,

"Alex you have a concussion. Among other supernatural side effects, you are going home" Chris ordered, his arms crossed.

Alex stood up, her argument wasn't very valid, she was struggling to catch her balance only seconds after standing.

Alex felt her dad ease her back onto the desk she was sitting on, Alex rolled her eyes.

Allison approached them, Isaac stood beside her.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked.

"I'm fi-.."

"She is going home, as are you two." He pointed to Allison and Isaac.

Isaac shook his head "No, I have to get to the hospital. I can't leave Cora there with just Peter."

"See. If anything happens, I'll be in best hands" Alex pushed, noticing a twinge in her fathers eyes.

"Okay" he conceded, "but you stay with me at all times."


The four of them walked into the hospital, due to the storm it had been completely abandoned. All the filled the halls was blown over chairs and paper that scattered at their feet.

Chris stood in front of the teenagers with a loaded gun pointed forward ready to fire at whomever came near.

"I'm gonna take that as a sign you're a little worried" Isaac murmured

"Stay close to me." He instructed

Isaac stopped and arched his head. A small sound whistling in his ears, he focused on silencing everything else out; just like Derek had thought him.

"I think I heard something." Isaac spoke quietly

"Where?" Allison asked

Isaac followed the sound, he crouched to the floor and listened below the wood "Below us." 

Chris instructed the teenagers to stay behind him as he lead the way, due the power outage they were forced to take the stairs; in hindsight taking the stairs was safer, they could hear anyone coming toward or behind them.

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