Chapter 30

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Alex slammed her bedroom door, it opened seconds later.

"get out" she demanded

The door opened fully and he walked in "Alex I-

"Get out!" She yelled pointing to the door "I don't want to talk to you. In fact I don't even want to look at you!"

"Alex I know you are mad-.."

She scoffed "Oh no, mad was when you tried to send me away after you found out Scott was a werewolf. This is disgust. This is hate, this is pure and utter anger and hatred"

Alex paced the room, feeling her blood boil.

"Alex please"

Alex stopped, tears struck her eyes "What could you possibly say to make this better?"

"I'm sorry but that's isn't him, and he- he's not a good person"

"He is still stiles!" Alex snapped, tears rolled away.

Too much was happening. This was suppose to be their change.

Alex hadn't slept in days, she could barely eat. This was her final straw.

"He is still the Same person I fell in love with it And you.. you were gonna take that away from me. Again" 

"Alex you have to understand.."

"Understand what! you might have killed the woman you love the second she was deemed inhuman but I.. I will never do that!" Alex spat.

There it was. the final version is came down to.

Chris was taken by the words that fell from his daughter's mouth. This was real anger. Real pain.

She sat on her bed "Just leave me alone please"

He nodded quietly. He turned and left her alone.

Allison pulled her lips from Isaac, noticing as the yelling came to an abrupt end.

"I'll be one second."

She walked out of her room, knocking on the door she walked into Alex's room "hey"

Alex looked up, her eyes puffy "I'm a horrible person"

Allison shut the door behind her, she quickly found a seat next to her whimpering sister "and why would think that?"

"Because I just said the worst thing ever to dad" Alex sniffled, "I told him.. that he might have killed the woman he loved the second she was deemed inhuman but I will never do that"

"Oh wow" Allison breathed. She too was taken by the hurtful words, but she also knew that Alex was hurting a lot.

Allison rested her hand on Alex's "you said something in the heat of the moment, we all do. It doesn't make you horrible"

"It does. I am" she nodded "I didn't even know you weren't okay, what kind of sister doesn't know"

"A sister who's boyfriend is possessed by an evil fox" Allison replied with a slight joking undertone. "You didn't know because I didn't want you too"

"I need a distraction" Alex sighed

"Isaacs in my bedroom"

"funny" Alex gave a small breathy laugh

Allison stayed quiet hoping alex would get the message.

Alex looked at her serious face "isaacs In your bedroom?" She asked

"Yup" she nodded "he seems better"

"Did you kiss him?" Alex asked

Allison smiled "maybe.."

Alex gasped "then what are you doing In here?"

"You are my sister. You always come first"

"Well right now I need you to go back into Isaac" Alex insisted

"Okay, okay" Allison stood up, sighing dramatically "I know when I'm not Wanted"


It was early morning when Alex Alex was awoken by a phone call. She seem Scott's caller ID and answered quickly.

"We found stiles" Scott spoke immediately "He was unconscious in a parking lot"

Alex nodded "Okay I'll be over as quick as possible"

"Alex!" Allison called out for her sister.

Alex looked up from her phone. She slid it on her back pocket and ran to her sisters room, her eyes traced the scene.

""kinky" she joked

"Alex" her sister glared

"What happened" She asked

She sighed "Isaac. I don't know he chained me and left"

"Wait a minute" Alex grabbed a Bobby pin from her hair. She pushed it on the Lock jiggled it around.

"Will that work?" Allison asked

The lock clicked "Success"

Allison pulled the first one off her stiff ankle, she twisted it around to loosen it out,

"Why did he do this?" Alex asked as she fiddled with the second locked

She shrugged "He's Gone after the twins. He took a bunch of weapons I left out. I don't know what's wrong with him."

Alex heard the lock click and pulled it off her sisters ankle.

"Thank you" she sighed rubbing her ankles.

She slid the pin back into her hair "They found stiles he is at Scott's now"

Allison nodded "Okay I'm gonna find isaac you are gonna go help stiles as much as possible"

"You sure?" Alex asked "I can go with-.."

She cut In "Yes. Stiles needs you"

"Okay" Alex nodded

"Be safe" they both unknowingly said at the same time.

Alex smiled "be safe"

"Always am"


Alex walked into the McCall kitchen. Overhearing a conversation on how they could help stiles. 

"you have to promise me, you will not risk your life to save mine because if you did and you died, I'd never forgive myself"

She shook the sound of stiles voice out of her head. "let me try" she chimed into the conversation

They all turned and looked at her

"I can try heal him, I can try save him" She suggested

"That has to be impossible" lydia assumed

"I won't know till I try" Alex shrugged
She sighed "I love stiles and If there is any chance I can save him from whatever it is killing him, I'm willing to do it"

She knew she promised him, but she couldn't stand and watched the love of her life slowly fade away into nothing. She had to help, she'd never forgive herself if she didn't.

"Alex this could hurt you really badly" Scott warned

"I know" She nodded "But it's what I do. I heal, okay and he needs it.  So let me do it" she tried to convince him

Scott sighed. Hesitating before answering, he new stiles wouldn't want this. He knew stiles would Kill him for letting her do it, but he also
knew he wanted his best friend back and would do whatever it took to get that "Okay"

With that they made a final agreement. Alex would do it, she would heal as much as she possibly could.

What she didn't know is that her body had limits, and would shut down if gone too far.

I know this is a short chapter, but I'm trying to flesh it out as much as possible for the big ending
(I will cry)
I hope you enjoyed

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