Grimmauld Place

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March 2nd, 1996.
Elena Clairmont.


Sometimes nightmares are the only thing that make me feel something. It doesn't have to be good, but at least it is something. Even after the nightmares, the fear lingers and after it fades away, a moment of clarity rises and overcomes it all.

I'm still waiting for my moment of clarity.

My mind was still struggling to catch up with everything that's happened in the past day and few hours.

Fred hasn't spoken to me, Harry looks like he might shove me into the ocean and Malfoy hasn't even come to any of the classes we share. It's bollocks.

I look up at the dark house towering over me. Grimmauld Place was still fucking scary, the way I remembered it. Rubbing my arms down to my fingers, I unlocked the gate and walked right up to the door.

My fingers curled into a fist and I knocked twice, in a simple pattern. I stepped away from the door and waited for the door to swing open. Sure enough, Mad-eye Moody opened the door, peering at me with his metal eye. His gaze softened a notch and he nodded, letting me come through the door.

Grimmauld Place welcomed me with cold air spread through the house. The familiar scent of old candles wrapped me up with the eerie quietness. Although this house was still dark and judging and unforgiving, there was something different from the last time I had been in here. Something light.

"There's my girl!" I heard from the end of the hall. My head snapped up and a smile spread across my face without warning. My legs ran towards my uncle at the end of the hall, arms spread open and waiting.

Sirius Black held me tightly against his chest. He still felt the same too.

"Sirius, is she here, darling?" Over my uncle's shoulder, I found my godfather standing there, waiting for his lover. Remus Lupin's face lit up the moment we made eye contact.

Sirius let me go as I launched myself right towards Remus. "Uncle Moony!" I shrieked happily, latching onto him. He too felt the same.

Had it really been two months since I last saw them? It felt like forever ago. A different lifetime. Perhaps, it had been. So much had changed, so much had gone to hell or come to the light. So much...

"Elena!" Remus groaned, pulling me away from him. "How are you? Was the journey alright? Was there-"

Sirius turned to Remus and held his gaze. "For hell's sake, Moony, she just entered the house. Give her a moment to breathe." My godfather blushed and shrugged, sliding his arms over my shoulder and Sirius.

My attention was gathered by the small house-elf mumbling to himself, a sneer never leaving his face. Not even when he saw us. Kreacher had never been fond of our company.

The covered portrait of Walburga Black still resided near the staircase. Horrid woman, she was. Horrid mother. Bless the Gods I had never had the displeasure to meet her. I don't like to lie and say she would've liked me at all, not even with my pure-blood status. She would know that I was more of a muggle-born. Muggles had raised me after all.

I nearly raised my middle finger towards the portrait if it had not been for Kreacher, who spoke to me, head cowered down.

"Filthy blood traitor. If only Madam Black could see the whoring scum walking her halls..." My heart ached the slightest bit. I had heard the words before. From Kreacher, the portrait of Walburga, Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy too. They weren't new or original insults, but it didn't stop how it hurt my heart.

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