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June 2nd, 1996.
Thirty-three hours, three minutes, three seconds.

Cedric Diggory was exceptionally beautiful tonight. Although he was more than handsome everyday, tonight was truly a spectacular sight.

Clad in black dress robes with a white button down shirt and slacks, his hair fell onto his forehead whenever he let out a soft chuckle towards any of the people congratulating him. But as clear as day, anyone could see that he had a grey flower pinned to his lapel.

As grey as the gown Elena wore for the night.

A beautiful gown of icy blue-grey tulle and silk underneath, with embroidered white lace on the bodice. On the back, it plunged with a corset type of tying across her back.

At first, Elena had been skeptical when she had gone shopping with Ginny for the dress before their year at Hogwarts because of the back, or lack of. But when she confided her secret of insecurity to Dobby and Winky, they placed a glamour on her scars for the night. No scars, no healed slices, nothing but her freckled skin.

Elena always had wondered what her skin would look like without any scars. And once she had seen the blank space, it was beautiful. More beautiful than anything she had ever seen.

A string of thin diamonds was around her neck, with matching diamond earrings that shone as they dangled from her ears. The jewelry is a gift from Cedric for Christmas. Her heels were high and the same color as her spectacular dress, with little gold details on them that clinked against the floor as she walked.

Her makeup was simple, yet more than she had ever done. Her long eyelashes were voluminized with mascara, a thin line of eyeliner in her waterline. Dark red lips, as red as blood and with the dusting of blush across her cheekbones, her freckles resembled stars. The hints of shimmering eyeshadow on her eyelids made people take a second glance.

Her long hair was curled loosely with half of her hair up and the rest down her back. Within the small crown of hair she had parted up, tiny bundles of baby's breath flowers were carefully placed within the strands.

Everything was perfect in each sense.

He was supposed to meet her at the base of the stairs which were next to the Great Hall. They had agreed on it weeks ago, when they both decided that they would share the first dance of the Champions.

It was tradition for the three (or in this case, four) champions to share the first dance of the night with their respected dates and then, others would join in. It was a dance that would be remembered throughout the entire competition.

It was two minutes past seven o'clock. Cedric stood near the base of the stairs, hands behind his back as he surveyed each girl who swept by him in beautiful dresses. He paid attention to none of them.

Even when Cho Chang had come down the opposite staircase, Cedric had kissed her knuckles, told her she looked beautiful and let her go off to find her friends. A pit of guilt had settled in his stomach when he had seen her and wished that Cho had been the one he had feelings for.

Cedric checked the time again. 7:07. He glanced up again and felt as if he was staring at an angel.

At the very top of the stairs, Elena was coming down, her heels clicking against the stone. Her face glowed in impossible ways and her hair flowed behind her.

If everyone was beautiful tonight, Elena was stunning.

But as soon as Elena looked down, her face broke out into a dazzling grin with red cheeks.

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