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June 18th, 1996

9 AM


Elena Clairmont was taking her daily stroll with Daphne Greengrass around the courtyard before breakfast, retelling every detail of Draco's love confession to Elena.

The past two days had been bliss. Pure, uncensored bliss. From the moment they had left Grimmauld Place, nothing had changed. He hadn't taken back his words, hadn't stopped calling her by her first name, hadn't stopped being her kinda boyfriend. Most of all, he definitely did not stop having sex with her.

Everything had shifted almost three nights ago, when they first shagged. Not only did they become more than friends, their soul bond was finally locked into place and Elena's magic was at an all-time high. His was too, earning such top marks on his O.W.L's yesterday that the proctors complimented him on his skills. Sure, he already had those abilities but having the soul bond was some kind of amplifier.

It was some sort of high and Draco was hopelessly addicted.

"What time is your first O.W.L today?" Daphne asked, her arm locked with Elena's.

Elena groaned and paused, having to think about it. "At Eleven. I have the written portion of my Defense Against the Dark Arts today and besides our final project for Potions, I'm finished with my O.W.L's. You?"

"Same as you, little Lena." Daphne grinned. "But surely you would've never noticed I was there, not with your new boy toy in the same room."

Elena rolled her eyes. "Don't be rude because I've been having great sex and you haven't."

"Sex with Draco?" Daphne cackled. "That is the one thing in the world I can certainly live without."

Elena blushed and turned away as the girls began heading into the castle once more.

After leaving the library silently with stupid grins on both of their faces, Draco and Elena went upstairs and Elena instead slipped into Daphne's room, told her everything and had to physically shove bubbles of water into Daphne's mouth to keep her from screaming and letting everyone know that Elena was officially no longer a virgin. Daphne laughed and listened to each detail that Elena told her and then Elena let Daphne look inside of her head to see Draco's speech about how he was in love with her. When the girls pulled away, Daphne had nothing back to say, no jokes to crack, no snide things to comment. Instead, she simply smiled and kissed her friend's forehead and kicked her out of the room.

Draco had caught Elena sneaking out of Daphne's room but he didn't get angry, he just took her hand and kissed her. Once the door shut, Elena and Draco fell onto the bed again and shagged again and again because doing it once had opened some kind of doorway.

The next morning, everyone was aware that something had changed between Draco and Elena because of the way they were behaving around each other. He was so open around them, so comfortable and Elena couldn't stop grinning. Everyone was in such good spirits that they decided to spend a few more hours together, instead of having the kids be dropped off in Hogsmeade in the early morning.

Before leaving, Sirius said goodbye to Daphne and Harry and Remus took them first. Elena and Draco were happily talking to Sirius until Remus came to get the other two.

Sirius held Elena tight and she promised to see him soon, even though she knew it would be months before she saw him again.

"I'll see you sooner than you think, Elena." Sirius said quietly. He could barely stand to hide the secret he had been hiding since that past day.

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