Silence & Howlers

91 6 0

April 21, 1996


She could not remember when she had last spoken or felt an ounce of emotion. She could not remember the last time she had lit a fire or felt the snow melt between her fingers. She could not remember the last time she wanted to wake up.

It had been a silent eight days. They could have even been peaceful if the nightmares hadn't begun to stir again. Or the lack of hunger began, the whispering of her name, the wounds repeatedly bleeding. She couldn't bandage her own back.

At first, she hadn't gone to the Gryffindor dormitory to sleep. She had spent the night sleeping where all the Centaurs usually stayed. They hadn't asked what was wrong or why she was all bloodied and bruised, she had been thankful for that. She had left before anyone could find her awake and went back into Gryffindor Tower when classes started for the day so nobody could ask questions.

She had showered and let the water burn her back even more. She spent the entire day by herself and then settled in the library until midnight to avoid everyone. Nobody came looking for her. Not even Malfoy.

Elena Clairmont was living in silence and nightmares.

It had been a struggle to ignore everyone but it was easier that way for her. She knew that everyone was already talking about what she had done. Petrifying a teacher is not something that should happen ever so for a student to do it, it was going to be told in every corner of the castle.

George had even offered to do Elena's homework when he had heard of it. She had gained popularity overnight- literally. But with popularity, came the rumors.

When Elena had finally showed up to the Gryffindor common room, people were shouting and cheering her name with deformed drawings of Umbridge hanging from every inch of the room. She didn't say a word while her friends had come up to her, congratulating her and asking how everything had occurred.

Harry realized what was going with Elena first. He had seen it happen before only a few times but he knew she wouldn't answer anyone's questions. She would be silent for a while until she could heal herself. He never wanted to hold Elena and make up with her as much as he did then. But instead, he had stayed back and let her be silent.

Today would be different, Elena knew it. She had even changed into presentable clothing. Her black sweater was baggy around her body and her black slacks were tight around her backside but loose everywhere else. She wasn't hungry but she was definitely craving coffee.

Her finger traced the rim of the cup of creamy coffee steaming in front of her mindlessly. Elena had been sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall for nearly half an hour. Nobody had come up to talk to her, much to her pleasure.

Seamus and Dean were sitting at least seven seats away from her and Luna was already walking in with Neville the same way they always did every morning. The Ravenclaw table was practically bouncing with energy- they always woke up first. The Slytherin table only had Theodore Nott sitting there, directly in front of Elena's view. No sign of Draco.

Nearly all of the professors were there, except for Umbridge and Dumbledore. Professor Mcgonagall had waved to Elena but she had put her head down and looked the opposite direction. It was too early to deal with anything except for the cup of coffee in front of Elena.

"The mail is here!" Luna chimed, breezing past Elena dreamily. Elena lifted her head and took a drink of coffee, peering up through her lashes to where owls were flying in.

Almost immediately, she spotted Hedwig's snowy white coat soaring through the air with a parcel and two letters in her grasp. Elena set the mug down and caught the parcel and letters that Hedwig dropped in front of Elena.

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