Five Stages of Grief

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June 20th, 1996.

Elena Clairmont did not leave her bed, not for a single minute of the day.

June 21st, 1996.

Elena Clairmont sat in her bed, staring at the window next to it. She pictured a life without responsibilities and loss.

June 22nd, 1996.

Elena Clairmont refused to leave her bed. Daphne paid a visit, it was nice. She gave Elena a bath and told her about the latest gossip with Theo Nott and Pansy Parkinson. Elena returned to bed and did not move for the rest of the night.

June 23rd, 1996.

Elena Clairmont got out of her bed and sat on the windowsill, counting the trees in the Forbidden Forest until nightfall. She occasionally traces the shadows of sunlight reflecting on the window panel.

June 24th, 1996.

Elena Clairmont was paid a visit by Professor McGonagall, fully recovered. She cried for a bit and Professor McGonagall told her a story about how plagued with grief she had been when Elena's parents had been killed. When asked about the strength McGonagall had found to move past her grief, Elena had been told that her life would now be beautiful again but in different ways.

June 25th, 1996.

Elena Clairmont left Gryffindor Tower for the first time since the Battle of the Veil. She encountered Draco Malfoy sitting on the steps, sitting beside Fish and she sat down with him, leaning into him for comfort as she realized Minerva McGonagall had been right. Life would be beautiful in other ways. 

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